Slarti - the FOAM boundary condition generator/editor

Slarti is a boundary condition generator/editor for FOAM. Beginning with an input mask, topography, and/or bathymetry, Slarti will generate all the necessary boundary condition files for FOAM's components which require them (atmosphere, land, and ocean) and guarantee consistency between them. Slarti also allows point-by-point editing of boundary fields with a GUI.

Download Software:

Slarti requires a Java 1.6 or later runtime environment to run.
You can get Java from

Slarti 1.7 -released May, 2009

Download and untar/unzip one of the files below.
To run, type "java -jar -noverify Slarti.jar"



Information about how to use Slarti is available from the Help menu in the application.

You can also view the Help menu contents here.
Instructions for setting up FOAM to do an initial run from Slarti output can be found here.


Please send suggestions and bug reports to Sheri Mickelson
