1. Run Slarti
    1. Start up Slarti
    2. Click ‘New’ from the ‘File’ menu
    3. Check the resolution you would like your atmosphere files interpolated to
    4. Check the resolution your initial file is in
    5. Enter an ocean depth file if you would like use something other than the default values
    6. Enter the initial file (including path)
    7. Check the boxes that describe the initial file
    8. Enter a vegetation and/or river flow file (optional)
    9. Click ok.  This is will setup the Slarti environment.
    10. You can view/edit the maps if you’d like
    11. Save your run by selecting ‘Save’ from the ‘File’ menu
    12. Choose the save you’d like to do and edit the maps if you need to.
    13. Select a case name and save
  2. Create a new f1.5data directory
    1. Copy an existing f1.5data directory.  Make sure the resolutions are the same.
    2. Replace the following files in the f1.5data directory with the slarti version:

1.  All of the 128x128 files

2.      The mask.<r15, t31,t42> file

3.      The om3.geometry24 file

4.      The SEP1 and tibds files

    1. The other files in your case directory are used by Slarti and have no importance to FOAM
  1. Use the files and restmake.f to create a restart coupler file

These files are available off of the FOAM ftp site is a python script used to make a coupler restart file starting with the mask.128x128 data.

            Restmake.f is a f77 program used to make a restart file.

a.       Run both programs in your new f1.5data directory.

b.      Set up a restart directory with the usual subdirectories (atmos,coupl,ocean).  The atmos and ocean directories should contain nothing, but the coupl directory should contain the *0000000* restart coupler file you created.

  1. Make the necessary changes to FOAM and recompile.
    1. undef "RestartRun" in om3coupled.c or if you are running a slab ocean, undef “RestartRun” in slabocean/om3cplslab.c.
    2. Set the "-DFILTPHIS" flag in FOAM_OPTS. You no longer have to set the "-DFORCEHY" flag.
    3. Remove pccm3uwsrc/spectral_dynamics/spetru.o
    4. “make clean”
    5. “make”
  2. Make the atmosphere do an initial run by setting NSREST to 0 in atmos_params.  This will make it use the new SEP1 and tibds files you created with slarti2ccm.
  3. In run_params set FINISHED to 0000000