Workshop: survey

Below is a list of experiments and demos discussed at the workshop. To build a repository of experiments ("how-to's," background theory & real world obseravtion) in a way useful for the teaching community, we ask the participants of the workshop to prioritize the entries. Please indicate your priority (high priority means that you like to learn more about the experiment itself and how to incorporate it into curriculum) by selecting one of five buttons for each experiment. Don't forget to include your email address and push the submit button at the bottom.

Note that some popular experiments (e.g., baroclinic annulus, cylinder collapase, etc.) are already well-documented and therefore not included here. For example, they can be found in the lab links listed in the links page.

Your email:

Ruby Krishnamurti
high low
high low
high low
Peter Rhines
high low
high low
high low
high low
Claudia Cenedese
high low
high low
high low
John Knox
high low
Scott Kittelman
high low
high low
Rotation multiple equilibria
high low
Rayleigh-Benard convection (portable)
high low
EZ heat packet
high low
Satoshi Sakai
'Greenhouse' experiments
high low
IR flash light (hot plate)
high low
Internal gravity waves
high low
Ekman experiment
high low
Peter Read
Polygonal barotropic instability
high low
Surface gravity waves in 2m tank
high low
Amit Tandon
4-beaker convection
high low
John Marshall
Ball in rotating frame
high low
Jack Whitehead
Rayleigh-Taylor instability (flip over)
high low
Low Re plumes
high low
Parafin on cold plate
high low
Earthquake machine
high low
Volcano simulator
high low
Salt channels
high low
Baroclinic coastal current
high low

Other (specify):