from math import * from solar import * from ClimateUtilities import * import phys #The following module gives the polynomial OLR fits. #It is in the Chapter4Scripts directory, and to be #used here you either need to add that directory #to the PYTHONPATH, or put a link to the script in #your modules directory, or just copy the script over. import OLRPoly #-------Define the OLR function------------------------------ def OLRBare(T): return phys.sigma*T**4 def OLR1(T): return OLRPoly.OLRT(CO2,T) OLR = OLR1 def f(t,T,params): # albedo = params.albedo hflux = params.hflux H = params.H lat = # S = (1.-albedo)*L*solar(lat,2.*pi*t/year,obliquity) return (S - OLR(T) + hflux)/(rho*H*Cp) #Function that integrates the ODE and computes seasonal cycle def doCalc(lat,hflux): dt = year/100. fi = integrator(f,0.,Tstart,dt) # Initial temperature is Tstart # params = Dummy() fi.setParams(params) params.H = Ho params.albedo = albedo_o = lat params.hflux = hflux # time = [] T = [] #First do a 50 year integration to reach equilibrium. #You may need to increase this if the mixed layer is #very deep, or when trying to find the transition to #ice-free conditions, in which case a difference of #a half degree or so can throw you into a different regime. nyears = 50 n = int(nyears*year/dt) for i in range(n): t,TT = if doIceAlbedo: if TT < Tfreeze: params.albedo = albedo_i params.H = Hi else: params.albedo = albedo_o params.H = Ho #Now continue for 1 year and save the results for i in range(int(year/dt)): result = time.append(result[0]/year - 50.) T.append(result[1]) TT = result[1] if doIceAlbedo: if TT < Tfreeze: params.albedo = albedo_i params.H = Hi else: params.albedo = albedo_o params.H = Ho return time,T #Set up basic parameters L = 1370. year = 365.*24.*3600. degrad = pi/180. obliquity = 23.*degrad rho = 1000. Cp = 4218. #Specific heat for liquid water CO2 = 300. Tfreeze = 271. albedo_o = .2 albedo_i = .6 Ho = 50. #Mixed layer depth for ocean. Usually set to 50 for ocean Hi = 1. #Mixed later depth for ice # Tstart = 300. #Starting temperature; only matters when we have ice feedback #Do the calculation for a list of latitudes and #corresponding dynamical heat fluxes. The dynamical heat #flux hflux is the amount added or taken away from a column #by meridional fluid dynamic heat transport #Standard set of values used for waterworld calculation #in text lats = [90.,60.,45.,30.,0.] hfluxes = [80.,40.,0.,-20.,-35] doIceAlbedo = False #Flag for whether or not to do ice-albedo feedback #Loop over latitudes, with varying hfluxes c = Curve() #There's really gotta be a better way to write #this kind of loop! (Looping over synchronous lists) #You could also make the albedo latitude-dependent here. n = len(lats) #Number of values to loop over for i in range(n): lat = lats[i] hflux = hfluxes[i] tag = 'T%f'%lat time,T = doCalc(lat*degrad,hflux) if i == 0: c.addCurve(time,'t','Time (years)') c.addCurve(T,tag) plot(c) #Loop over CO2 with constant latitude #Values used to illustrate inhibition of polar ice formation doIceAlbedo = True #Flag for whether or not to do ice-albedo feedback albedo_o = .33 #Allows for low cloud cover in summer Ho = 50. CO2vals = [(2**i)*150. for i in range(6)] lat = 80. hflux = 110. c1 = Curve() n = len(CO2vals) #Number of values to loop over for i in range(n): CO2 = CO2vals[i] #Uncomment to loop over CO2 tag = '%fppmv'%CO2 time,T = doCalc(lat*degrad,hflux) if i == 0: c1.addCurve(time,'t','Time (years)') c1.addCurve(T,tag) plot(c1) #Remark: Note that with the oversimplified ice-albedo feedback #used here, the ice actually makes the summer warmer, since the #ice warms up much faster in response to the increasing sunlight. #That's an unrealistic artifact of not accounting for the energy #needed to melt the ice. Without the delay, less of the year is #subfreezing when you allow ice than when ice is not allowed. #Is there a simple fix for this?