#Generates plots of flux vs. time for a planet in an #elliptical orbit, as used in the text. Also generates #misc. statistics of the orbit. This generates the #line plots of flux factor. Use fluxExplorer to generate #contour plots of flux vs. latitude and time. # Chapter = "7" Figure = None from ClimateUtilities import * from solar import * import math degrad = math.pi/180. e = .1 precess = math.pi/2. obl = 20.*degrad # #List of latitudes lats = [-60,0.,60.] #Get the orbit orb = orbit(e,precess) #Start at the solstice #Save Nondimensional length of year year = orb['t'][-1] # Normalize time so length of year= 1 orb['t'] = orb['t']/year # Compute the means means = [AnnMeanFlux(degrad*lat,obl,precess,orb) for lat in lats] #Stuff results in a curve, and save c = Curve() c.addCurve(orb['t'],'Time') for i in range(len(lats)): c.addCurve(orbitFlux(lats[i]*degrad,obl,precess,orb),'%f'%lats[i]) #plot(c) #c.dump('flux_e=%0.2f_pr=%2.0f.out'%(params.e,precess/degrad)) print means, year/(2.*math.pi),2.*math.pi/year