from ClimateUtilities import * import phys,planets import math #Extra monatomic gases not in phys AtomicH = Dummy() AtomicH.R = phys.Rstar AtomicH.Rcp = 1.- 3./5. AtomicH.MolecularWeight = 1. AtomicH.cp = AtomicH.R/AtomicH.Rcp AtomicO = Dummy() AtomicO.R = phys.Rstar/16. AtomicO.Rcp = 1.- 3./5. AtomicO.MolecularWeight = 16. AtomicO.cp = AtomicO.R/AtomicO.Rcp #Fictitious gas with diatomic R/cp but arbitrary #molecular weight (useful for exploring how things scale #with the molecular weight) Oobleck = Dummy() Oobleck.MolecularWeight = 5. Oobleck.R = phys.Rstar/Oobleck.MolecularWeight Oobleck.Rcp = phys.H2.Rcp Oobleck.cp = Oobleck.R/Oobleck.Rcp #----------------------------------------------------------------- #Query: When Q0 is too large, T gets driven to zero as we integrate #backward. What is the implied T at the lower boundary, using #energy conservation? How does the solution fail when we integrate #forward from there? (Look at this analytically, assuming Mach #number is small at the boundary. Graphically, it looks like #the temperature should be driven negative (due to adiabatic expansion) #integrating forward from lower boundary, but this is the opposite #of what you would expect in the case of large heating. But note: #This question is ill-posed, since in the case of heating we don't know #theta at the lower boundary if we can't integrate the entropy equation. #through to there. Thus, the solution failure is DIFFERENT from the #solution failure in the adiabatic case with too low temperature, where #we run out of energy. Basically, when T gets driven to zero due to too #large heating, we just have to increase the mass flux until we can #get through the temperature minimum. This can be looked at by #using the equation for the location and value of the minimum temperature #(easy if Mach number is small near the temperature minimum). # #Note: Solution just depends on F/Q0 . If we know the solution #for one F/Q0 (for a given rcrit), just rescale n0 by Q0 to get other sol'ns #Hence, for a given Q0, it's really just rcrit that must be varied to #determine the family of solutions. #---------------------------------------------------------------- #The radius r passed to F is nondimensional, scaled #by r0. M = rho0*w0; total mass flux is this times 4 pi r0**2 #Note that 2*g0*r0 is square of escape velocity. #---------Routines for making energy conservation plots----------- #These plots are only for the no-heating case. If we want to illustrate #the intersection geometry including heating, we need to make #theta change with r, and also put in the proper evaluation of E0(r) #allowing for heating. # #Note that n0 changes the value of F, but not the shape of the graph #Graphs just depend on F/rho0, which is c0*M0*r0**2 def EMach1(M,params): params.M = M cSquared = gam*R*T1(params) return cSquared*(M*M/2. + beta/(1.-beta)) - gs*rs/params.r - params.E0 def MachPlotCrit(rcrit,rL): #Initialize at the critical point c0 = (.5*gs*rs/rcrit)**.5 T0 = c0*c0*beta/R n0 = 1. #Value of n0 doesn't matter for this. It cancels out. params = Init(1.,n0,T0,rcrit) params.E0 = 0. # Don't offset energy #params.E0 = params.E00 return MachPlot(params,rL) def MachPlot1(M0,r0,T0,rL): n0 = 1. # Value of n0 doesn't matter for this params = Init(M0,n0,T0,r0) params.E0 = 0. #params.E0 = params.E00 return MachPlot(params,rL) def MachPlot(params,rList): c = Curve() c.addCurve(MachList) for rr in rList: params.r = rr Elist = [EMach1(M,params) for M in MachList] c.addCurve(Elist,'E%f'%rr) c.XlogAxis = True return c def T1(params): ctheta = (R*params.theta/beta)**.5 rhotheta = params.p0/(R*params.theta) b = 2.*(1.-beta)/(1.+beta) return params.theta*( params.F/(params.r**2 *params.M*rhotheta*ctheta))**b #------------------------------------------------------------------- #Routines for integrating solution including heating def EMach(M,params): params.M = M cSquared = gam*R*T(params) return cSquared*(M*M/2. + beta/(1.-beta)) - gs*rs/params.r - params.E0 #The small M approximation here only works when T is an equilibrium #solution of E(M) = 0. For the graphical illustrations, use T1, which #doesn't have the small M approximation. def T(params): ctheta = (R*params.theta/beta)**.5 rhotheta = params.p0/(R*params.theta) b = 2.*(1.-beta)/(1.+beta) if params.M > .01: return params.theta*( params.F/(params.r**2 *params.M*rhotheta*ctheta))**b else: TT = (gs*rs/params.r + params.E0)/(R*gam*(beta/(1.-beta))) return TT #This initialization should work for any point, not just #the trans-sonic point. Note that r0 is in units of planetary radius #**WARNING: This gives the wrong initialization if M <= .01, # since it uses EMach, which solves the energy equation for T # directly when M is small (i.e. hydrostatic balance). # Need to fix this. def Init(M0,n0,T0,r0): c0 = (gam*R*T0)**.5 rho0 = n0*m F = c0*M0*rho0*r0**2 p0 = rho0*R*T0 # params = Dummy() params.E0 = 0. params.r = r0 params.F = F params.p0 = p0 params.theta = T0 params.E00 = EMach(M0,params) - r0*r0*Frad(r0)/F return params #Radiative flux functions def Frad(r): if r > rlim: return Q0*rh3*(1.-math.exp(-(rlim-rh1)/rh3))/(r*r) elif (r>rh1) and (r <= rlim): return Q0*rh3*(1.-math.exp(-(r-rh1)/rh3))/(r*r) else: return 0. def Qrad(r): if r > rlim: return 0. elif (r>rh1) and (r <= rlim): return Q0*math.exp(-(r-rh1)/rh3) else: return 0. #Set up Newton solver for getting Mach number ans = newtSolve(EMach) #Derivative function for evaluating theta def fTheta(r,logtheta,params): params.r = r params.E0 = params.E00+r*r*Frad(r)/(params.F) ans.setParams(params) params.theta = math.exp(logtheta) if (params.M < .01): #Use analytic solution for M and T TT = T(params) p = params.p0*(TT/params.theta)**(1./Rcp) rho = p/(R*TT) c = (gam*R*TT)**.5 params.M = (params.F/(rho*c*params.r**2)) else: try: params.M = ans(params.M) if params.M == 'No Convergence': print 'Convergence failure in fTheta',params.r,params.theta except: print 'Convergence failure in fTheta',params.r,params.theta TT = T(params) return Qrad(r)/(cp*TT*params.F) #Qrad is heating per unit depth def Solve(r,params): params.r = r params.E0 = params.E00+r*r*Frad(r)/(params.F) ans.setParams(params) if (params.M < .01): #Use analytic solution for M and T TT = T(params) p = params.p0*(TT/params.theta)**(1./Rcp) rho = p/(R*TT) c = gam*R*TT params.M = (params.F/(rho*c*params.r**2)) else: try: params.M = ans(params.M) if params.M == 'No Convergence': print 'Convergence failure in fTheta',params.r,params.theta except: print 'Convergence failure in fTheta',params.r,params.theta TT = T(params) return TT,params.M #Set parameters for transonic point #**ToDo: Will need to fix up energy plot and MachrPlot routines # #Specify the two controlling parameters. These determine the #outflow mass flux F. They can be adjusted to meet the #boundary conditions on temperature and particle density at #the lower boundary r # #We start at the critical point, and then integrate inward #Later,F and rcrit (or n0 and rcrit) should be made arguments and #p0 etc. should #be computed. To do that we will need to change some existing #globals. We will need a different version to do subcritical cases #The following calculation initializes at the critical point #Try: # rcrit = 35. # n0 = 1.e9 def doCalc(n0,rcrit,switch = 'Backward',mode = 'Plot'): # Initialization (Assumes heating is zero at the trans-sonic point) c0 = (.5*(gs/rcrit**2)*rs*rcrit)**.5 T0 = c0*c0*beta/R params = Init(1.,n0,T0,rcrit) print 'Energy',params.E00 if switch == 'Backward': rstart = rcrit - .01 params.M = .95 dr = -.01 else: rstart = rcrit + .01 params.M = 1.05 dr = .01 # #Create lists for saving output rL = [] ML = [] TL = [] thetaL = [] nL = [] # # Carry out the integration # ThetaInt = integrator(fTheta,rstart,math.log(T0),dr) ThetaInt.setParams(params) while (True): if dr < 0.: if abs(params.r - 1.1)< .0001: break else: if params.r > 100.: break try: values = except: break if params.M == 'No Convergence': break params.theta = math.exp(values[1]) params.r = values[0] rL.append(params.r) ML.append(params.M) thetaL.append(params.theta) TL.append(T(params)) #Density p = params.p0*(TL[-1]/params.theta)**(1./Rcp) nL.append((p/(R*TL[-1]))/m) # # Print out terminal results here p = params.p0*(TL[-1]/params.theta)**(1./Rcp) nbot = (p/(R*TL[-1]))/m print 'rmin,pbot,Tbot,nbot,flux = ',rL[-1],p/1.e5,TL[-1],nbot,params.F # # Return results for plotting # c = Curve() c.addCurve(rL) c.addCurve(ML) c1 = Curve() c1.addCurve(rL) c1.addCurve(TL) c1.addCurve(thetaL) c2 = Curve() c2.addCurve(rL) c2.addCurve(nL) if mode == 'Plot': return c,c1,c2 else: return TL[-1] - Tbot return TL[-1] - Tbot #Identical to doCalc, except it starts from the bottom. #Note the special initialization used def doCalc1(n0,T0,F,rmax = 300.,rb=1.1): # Initialization at base # Note that this initialization assumes the radiative flux # vanishes at the base params = Dummy() params.r = rb params.F = F rho0 = n0*m params.p0 = rho0*R*T0 params.theta = T0 w = F/(rho0*rb**2) params.E00 = .5*w*w + cp*T0 - gs*rs/rb params.E0 = .5*w*w + cp*T0 - gs*rs/rb print 'Energy',params.E00 # rstart = rb params.M = .001 dr = .01 # # #Create lists for saving output rL = [] ML = [] TL = [] thetaL = [] nL = [] # # Carry out the integration # ThetaInt = integrator(fTheta,rstart,math.log(T0),dr) ThetaInt.setParams(params) while (params.r < rmax): try: values = except: break if params.M == 'No Convergence': break params.theta = math.exp(values[1]) params.r = values[0] rL.append(params.r) ML.append(params.M) thetaL.append(params.theta) TL.append(T(params)) #Density p = params.p0*(TL[-1]/params.theta)**(1./Rcp) nL.append((p/(R*TL[-1]))/m) # # # Print out terminal results here p = params.p0*(TL[-1]/params.theta)**(1./Rcp) nbot = (p/(R*TL[-1]))/m print 'rmin,pbot,Tbot,nbot,flux = ',rL[-1],p/1.e5,TL[-1],nbot,params.F # # Return results for plotting # c = Curve() c.addCurve(rL) c.addCurve(ML) c1 = Curve() c1.addCurve(rL) c1.addCurve(TL) c1.addCurve(thetaL) c2 = Curve() c2.addCurve(rL) c2.addCurve(nL) print "Maximum Mach Number =",max(ML) return c,c1,c2 #Set up Newton solver to match lower boundary temperature def fTbot(ncrit,rcrit): return doCalc(ncrit,rcrit,'Backward','Iterate') solver = newtSolve(fTbot) solver.setParams(35.) solver.tolerance = .01 solver.eps = 1. #gas = AtomicO #gas = phys.O2 gas = phys.H2 #gas = AtomicH #gas = Oobleck Rcp = gas.Rcp beta = 1.-Rcp gam = 1./beta cp = gas.cp R = gas.R m = gas.MolecularWeight/(1000.*phys.N_avogadro) planet = planets.Earth gs = planet.g rs = planet.a #Specify heating rate and depth scale # (Try Q0 = .001, r1 = 1 # Vary n0 to change shape. If n0 is too small temperature will # halt at zero before the lower boundary is reached. As n0 is increased # you see a more pronounced temperature dip. If r1 = 1, you never see # much of a dip. With r1 = 2, you can get a pretty good dip. Cases #with a dip tend to have huge density at the base, though # Q0 = .001 rh3 = 1. rh1 = 1.101 rlim = .5*35. #MachList = [.1 + .01*i for i in range(300)] MachList = [.01*i for i in range(1,1000)] rL = [1.,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4] def looper(rcStart,ncStart): n = ncStart for rcrit in [rcStart +5.*i for i in range(60)]: solver.setParams(rcrit) n = solver(n) print '==========Solution:',rcrit,n,"==========================="