c c $Id: comcmf.h,v 2004/02/27 05:44:07 rca Exp $ c $Author: rca $ c C C Common block for moist convective mass flux procedure C common/comcmf/cp ,hlat ,grav ,c0 ,betamn , $ rhlat ,rcp ,rgrav ,cmftau ,rhoh2o , $ rgas ,dzmin ,limcnv ,iloc ,jloc , $ nsloc ,tiny ,eps ,tpmax ,shpmax , $ rlxclm C real cp ! specific heat of dry air real hlat ! latent heat of vaporization real grav ! gravitational constant real c0 ! rain water autoconversion coefficient real betamn ! minimum overshoot parameter real rhlat ! reciprocal of hlat real rcp ! reciprocal of cp real rgrav ! reciprocal of grav real cmftau ! characteristic adjustment time scale real rhoh2o ! density of liquid water (STP) real rgas ! gas constant for dry air real dzmin ! minimum convective depth for precipitation real tiny ! arbitrary small num used in transport estimates real eps ! convergence criteria (machine dependent) real tpmax ! maximum acceptable t perturbation (degrees C) real shpmax ! maximum acceptable q perturbation (g/g) C integer iloc ! longitude location for diagnostics integer jloc ! latitude location for diagnostics integer nsloc ! nstep for which to produce diagnostics integer limcnv ! top interface level limit for convection C logical rlxclm ! logical to relax column versus cloud triplet C