c c $Id: comcon.h,v 2004/02/27 05:44:07 rca Exp $ c $Author: rca $ c C C Physical constants. This is the master set. All parameterizations set C their local values from these values. C common/comcon/cappa ,cpvir ,cpwv ,cpair ,epsilo , $ ez ,gravit ,latvap ,latice ,omega , $ rair ,rearth ,rh2o ,rhoh2o ,ra , $ rga ,stebol ,tmelt ,zvir ,t0(plev) C real cappa ! R/Cp real cpvir ! cpwv/cpair - 1 real cpwv ! Specific heat of water vapor real cpair ! Specific heat of dry air real epsilo ! Ratio of h2o to dry air molecular weights real ez ! Coriolis expansion coeff -> omega/sqrt(0.375) real gravit ! Gravitational acceleration real latvap ! Latent heat of vaporization real latice ! Latent heat of fusion real omega ! Angular velocity of Earth's rotation real rair ! Gas constant for dry air real rearth ! Radius of the earth real rh2o ! Gas constant for water vapor real rhoh2o ! Density of liquid water (STP) real ra ! Reciprocal of earth radius real rga ! Reciprocal of gravitational acceleration real stebol ! Stefan-Boltzmann's constant real tmelt ! Freezing point of water real zvir ! rh2o/rair - 1 real t0 ! Reference temperature for t-prime computations C