c c $Id: comhst.h,v 2004/02/27 05:44:07 rca Exp $ c $Author: rca $ c C C Integer and logical variables related to history tapes C integer pichsum ! Max. value of 4*ichar(character) parameter (pichsum=508) C common /comhst/ $ nhtfrq(ptapes) ,mfilt(ptapes) ,nlfilt , $ ndens(ptapes) ,nflds(ptapes) ,nfils(ptapes) , $ hunit(ptapes) ,nrlen(ptapes) ,nplen(ptapes) , $ sunit ,stfnum ,mtapes , $ nexcl ,nincl ,hbufpt(ptapes) , $ nacs(pflds,plat) ,iflds(3,pflds),nupnt(pflds,ptapes), $ npnt(pflds,ptapes),ndcurf(ptapes),ncdatf(ptapes) , $ nscurf(ptapes) ,ncsecf(ptapes),nfldsc(0:pichsum,ptapes), $ islocc(0:pichsum,ptapes) ,hstwr(ptapes) , $ rstwr ,nacsav(pflds,plat) C integer nhtfrq ! Array of write freq of time samples to hist file integer mfilt ! Number of time samples per history file C logical nlfilt ! Flag for extra time samp on 1st h-file (ktape=1) logical hstwr ! Flag for history writes logical rstwr ! Flag for restart and regeneration writes C integer ndens ! Array of input packing densities integer nflds ! Array of total no. of fields in each h-file integer nfils ! Array of no. of files on current h-file integer hunit ! History file disk unit no. integer nrlen ! Record length C integer nplen ! Packed record length, integer sunit ! History buffer SSD unit integer stfnum ! Starting number for history file naming integer mtapes ! Actual number of history files requested integer nexcl ! Actual number of excluded fields C integer nincl ! Actual number of included primary file fields integer hbufpt ! Ptrs to start of fields for each file in hbuf integer nacs ! Number of time steps accum. for field in hbuf integer nacsav ! Saved accumulations for restart integer iflds ! Integer portion of master field list C integer nupnt ! Array of unpacked field pointers integer npnt ! Array of packed field pointers integer ndcurf ! First "current" day for each history file integer ncdatf ! First "current" date for each history file integer nscurf ! First "current" second of day for each h-file C integer ncsecf ! First "current" second of date for each h-file integer nfldsc ! Number of fields starting with given ichar(1-4) integer islocc ! Index of starting location for each ichar sum C C Character variables related to history tapes C common /comhtc/ $ nfpath(ptapes) ,ppath(ptapes) ,cpath(ptapes) , $ nhfil(ptapes) ,ninavg(ptapes) ,caseid , $ ctitle ,fieldn(2,pflds) ,exclude(pflds) , $ primary(pflds) ,aux(pflds,ptapes-1) C character*80 nfpath ! Array of first pathnames, for header character*80 ppath ! Array of previous pathnames, for header character*80 cpath ! Array of current pathnames character*6 nhfil ! Array of current file names character*1 ninavg ! File fields instantaneous or averaged C character*8 caseid ! Case identifier character*80 ctitle ! Case title character*8 fieldn ! Character portion of master field list character*8 exclude ! List of fields to rm from primary h-file character*8 primary ! List of fields to add to primary h-file character*8 aux ! Lists of fields for auxiliary files C