c c $Id: commss.h,v 2004/02/27 05:44:07 rca Exp $ c $Author: rca $ c C C Character variables associated with Mass Store pathnames C common/commsc/nhpath ,nrpath ,ncdata ,bndti ,bndtvs , $ bndtvo ,nrfil ,nsmvn ,nrmvn ,msscom , $ nswrps ,lcroot ,datadir C character*72 nhpath ! MSS pathname for history tapes character*72 nrpath ! MSS pathname for restart files character*80 ncdata ! MSS pathname for initial dataset character*80 bndti ! MSS path for time-inv boundary dataset C character*80 bndtvs ! MSS path for time-variant sst dataset character*80 bndtvo ! MSS path for time-variant ozone dataset character*6 nrfil ! Current file name for regen dataset character*8 nsmvn ! Virtual volume name for history tapes C character*8 nrmvn ! Virtual volume name for restart data character*80 msscom ! MSS comment field character*8 nswrps ! MSS write password character*40 lcroot ! Prepend to MSS paths for local disk name character*80 datadir ! local disk directory where requested ! files may be located C C Non-character variables associated with Mass Store pathnames C common/commss/nhpthl ,nrpthl ,irt ,rirt C integer nhpthl ! Length of nhpath,history tape pathname integer nrpthl ! Length of nrpath,restart data pathname integer irt ! Mass Store retention period, history tapes integer rirt ! Mass Store retention time, restart data C