#include #include subroutine mfinti(rair ,cpair ,gravit ,latvap ,rhowtr ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Initialize moist convective mass flux procedure common block, cmfmca C C----------------------------Code History------------------------------- C C Original version: J. Hack C Standardized: J. Rosinski, June 1992 C Reviewed: J. Hack, G. Taylor, August 1992 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c $Id: mfinti.F,v 2004/02/27 05:44:07 rca Exp $ c #include C----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include C------------------------------Commons---------------------------------- #include C----------------------------------------------------------------------- c+++rca c#include c---rca C------------------------------Arguments-------------------------------- C C Input arguments C real rair ! gas constant for dry air real cpair ! specific heat of dry air real gravit ! acceleration due to gravity real latvap ! latent heat of vaporization real rhowtr ! density of liquid water (STP) integer k ! vertical level index C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Initialize physical constants for moist convective mass flux procedure C cp = cpair ! specific heat of dry air hlat = latvap ! latent heat of vaporization grav = gravit ! gravitational constant rgas = rair ! gas constant for dry air rhoh2o = rhowtr ! density of liquid water (STP) C C Initialize free parameters for moist convective mass flux procedure C c0 = 1.0e-4 ! rain water autoconversion coeff (1/m) dzmin = 0.0 ! minimum cloud depth to precipitate (m) betamn = 0.10 ! minimum overshoot parameter cmftau = 3600. ! characteristic adjustment time scale c c Limit convection to regions below 40 mb c c+++rca C------- if (hypi(1) .ge. 4.e3) then C------- limcnv = 1 C------- else C------- do k=1,plev C------- if (hypi(k).lt.4.e3 .and. hypi(k+1).ge.4.e3) then C------- limcnv = k C------- goto 10 C------- end if C------- end do C------- limcnv = plevp C------- end if C------- 10 if (masterproc) then C------- write(6,*)'MFINTI: Convection will be capped at intfc ',limcnv, C------- $ ' which is ',hypi(limcnv),' pascals' C------- end if limcnv=1 c---rca tpmax = 1.50 ! maximum acceptable t perturbation (deg C) shpmax = 1.50e-3 ! maximum acceptable q perturbation (g/g) rlxclm = .true. ! logical variable to specify that relaxation c time scale should applied to column as c opposed to triplets individually C C Initialize miscellaneous (frequently used) constants C rhlat = 1.0/hlat ! reciprocal latent heat of vaporization rcp = 1.0/cp ! reciprocal specific heat of dry air rgrav = 1.0/grav ! reciprocal gravitational constant C C Initialize diagnostic location information for moist convection scheme C iloc = 1 ! longitude point for diagnostic info jloc = 1 ! latitude point for diagnostic info nsloc = 1 ! nstep value at which to begin diagnostics C C Initialize other miscellaneous parameters C tiny = 1.0e-36 ! arbitrary small number (scalar transport) eps = 1.0e-13 ! convergence criteria (machine dependent) C return end