2000-02-25 Charlie Zender * Found that mls_clr.out and mls_cld.out had accidentally been written using CCM4 flntc definition, causing small difference with CCM3 flntc definition. Re-wrote files using CCM3 definition. Tagged this release as crm-2.1.2, released without announcement. 2000-02-14 Charlie Zender * Tagged and released this as crm-2.1.1 * Added workaround to cvs export problem in crm_dst.pl for cvs 1.10. cvs 1.10, which controls the CRM repository, can only export correctly to machines cross-mounted to /fs/cgd. So this workaround only works on CGD network. * Changed Makefile to use environment $NETCDF_INC and $NETCDF_LIB, if available 2000-02-11 Charlie Zender * Changed mls_cld.in surface type to land to agree with mls_clr.in surface type. Of course this changed answers in mls_cld.out. 2000-01-04 Charlie Zender * Added missing lon loop to diagnostic flx_LW_up/down definitions in radclw.F to fix bug in diagnostics reported by Mike Iacono. 1999-09-07 Charlie Zender * Added WDC's NOAA7 satellite NIR fields * Changed to CCM style Makefile with automatic *.d dependencies and enhancements to separate *.o and *.d files from source * Fixed dimension bug with odxl0_* and then was able to validate all new diagnostics 1999-08-31 Charlie Zender * Added many new diagnostics including vertical profiles of spectral optical depth, SW direct, diffuse, and total fluxes, and LW fluxes. Added vertical profiles of fluxes to both netCDF and text output. Not yet validated, SW diffuse looks too large at TOA. 1999-07-21 Charlie Zender * Changed default orography from ocean to land, so that user-specified surface albedos are used exactly as input. 1999-07-02 Charlie Zender * Tagged ccm3_6_brnchT_crm2_0_1, ccm3_6_brnchT_crm2_0_2 * The FAQ now answers questions about time, longitude, and the equation of time * Changed Linux default build to pgf90, validated against Sun Fri Aug 28 10:58:44 1998 Charlie Zender * Tagged crm-2.0-ccm-3.6 as ccm3_6_brnchT_crm2_0. * Modified files to describe new aerosol advisory in AEROSOL Mon Aug 17 14:19:03 1998 Charlie Zender * Updated to ccm-3.6. SW answers are identical, some LW answers are identical, and some change up to the fourth decimal place, i.e., 0.0001 W m-2, in mls_clr.out values. This is expected due to the LW bug fixes that went into CCM 3.6, including the water vapor continuum overlap of nearest layer trace gas absorptivities, and the radabs longitude dependent fix. Thus, both the SW and LW ports from crm-1.9.0-ccm-3.5.22 to crm-2.0-ccm3.6 appear to be successful. * Tagged crm-1.9.0-ccm-3.5.22 as ccm3_5_22_brnchT_crm1_9_0. Tue Aug 11 14:50:46 1998 Charlie Zender * crm-1.9.0-ccm-3.5.22 has been commited to the CCM CVS repository as ccm_brnch_crm. Both SW and LW fields were checked against CRM 1.16 results where both versions of CRM used the identical mls_clr.in profile. The change in FSDS was 0.117 W m-2. This is smaller than the change expected due to the change in cosine solar zenith angle of 1.36e-4, which could account for up to about 0.185 W m-2 discrepency. Then change in FLNT was 0.004 W m-2, which is not deemed significant. Thus both the SW and LW ports from CCM2 Omega 0.5 to CCM 3.5.22 appear to be successful. Wed Jul 22 16:17:33 1998 Charlie Zender * CRM 1.16 has been released. Version 1.16 uses a new directory structure more similar to the CCM directory structure. There are no physics changes in CRM 1.16. The new directory structure is now under CVS control and this should facilitate maintainance of the CRM. Fri Jul 10 15:01:26 1998 Charlie Zender * Fixed diagnostic surface radiation budget bug in computation of direct and diffuse fluxes. Aerosol and cloud layer optical depths were inadvertlently being assigned the optical depth of the last (18th) spectral interval. This caused large errors in the diagnosed diffuse/direct ratio. This only effected SRB direct/diffuse diagnostics and had no effect on total (direct+diffuse) fluxes, either spectrally or broadband. This bug affected only CRM 1.13 (released March, 1998 and 1.14). Fixed SRB version of CRM gets tagged as CRM 1.15. Thu Jun 4 21:14:26 1998 Charlie Zender * Fixed H2O continuum overlap of trace gas absorption in nearest layers. This required small changes to trcabn.F and radabs.F. Solutions change by less than 0.0005 W/m2 in the tropics at the surface. No changes at all above the troposphere. Wed Mar 11 08:47:06 1998 Charlie Zender * Changed criterion for printing out SWCF ratio so that now ratio is printed whenever SWCF(TOA) != 0. Fri Mar 6 11:44:13 1998 Charlie Zender * Added FAQ to distribution * Added '-DDOUBLE' precision option to produce a double precision netCDF output file. '-DDOUBLE' should be specified whenever compiling the CRM with '-r8 -i4'-type promotion. Mon Mar 2 22:33:39 1998 Charlie Zender * Announced release of CRM version 1.13 Thu Feb 19 15:08:12 1998 Charlie Zender * Installed Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) module and common block. Cleaned up and reformatted output. Mon Nov 3 14:33:35 1997 Charlie Zender * Unannounced release of CRM version 1.12 * Probably a netCDF3 vs. netCDF2 related bug appeared in ncvptg() in netcdf.F. Work around has been to define plon=plond=PLON=1 in pmgrid.h and prgrid.h and use ncvpt() output routine instead. This has side effect of reducing most array sizes by a factor of four. Unfortunately, pmgrid.h and prgrid.h must now be maintained outside the default CCM source tree. * Starting this ChangeLog for the CRM. Everything before this entry has been merged in by hand. Wed Jul 16 12:53:10 1997 Charlie Zender * Announced release of CRM version 1.11 * Imposed aerosol extinction optical depth has been changed from 0.12 to 0.14 in aermix.F. This resolves an inconsistancy between the CRM and CCM3. Mon Jan 13 22:52:55 1997 Charlie Zender * Announced Web page availability of CRM version 1.10 at CSM Atmospheric model working group meeting in Boulder.