3-05-2009 Fixed bugs in CAM3 radiation: - do not allow fice to be 0 - output TOA SW is fsnt, not fsntoa CliMT now replicates model output fsnt and flnt to within ~0.03 W/m2 (remanining error to do with spatially-varying stratospheric distribution of trace gases) 29-04-2009 - Added new input to CAM3 radiation: surface LW upwelling radiation (FLUS) - Corrected bugs in CAM3 radiation: - fice now correctly computed when ciwp input externally - pstd set to 1000 mb instead of ps 16-04-2009 - CCM3 and Chou schemes now accept explicit external definition of cloud ice water path ciwp - CAM3, CCM3 and Chou schemes now expect drop radii r_liq and r_ice as 3D fields, not 0D parameters as before 15-04-2009 - Added SwToa, LwToa, SwSrf and LwSrf outputs to CCM3 and Chou schemes - swflx and lwflx outputs are now at level MIDPOINTS instead of interfaces as before - Added check in cam3/src/radae.F90:initialize_radbuffer to see if buffers already allocated (otherwise CliMT will crash if CAM3 radiation instantiated more than once) - Cloud ice fraction ciwp can now be passed explicitly to CAM3 (before, it was calculated internally as in CCM3; this is still done if ciwp not passed explicitly) 09-04-2009 ++ Version 0.6.5 - Added TOA and surface flux output from CAM3 radiation - Corrected bug in CAM3 LW cloud forcing (sign was wrong!) - Added check for negative or zero humidity and ozone input to CAM3, which give NaNs - Disabled inf/nan flags in CAM3 code for portability - Updated examples; all now use CAM3 07-04-2009 Removed useless 'from numpy import *' in __init__.py which was causing namespace collision problems (__version__ is now correctly reported) 12-02-2009 ++ Version 0.6.4 Added CAM3 radiation scheme 05-02-2009 setup.py reads version number from file 'Version' 13-03-2008 io.py now compatible with both Scientific.IO and PyNGL.Nio As of version 1.2, PyNGL doesn't work very well for NetCDF output 11-03-2008 Small numpy compatibility fix in grid.py -- check that axis is array, not scalar 2-02-2008 ++ Version 0.6.0 - Updated build system to use python distutils - CliMT now works *only* with numpy 10-01-2007 Added functions thermodyn.CAPE and thermodyn.CINE to compute convective available potential energy and convective inhibition energy 27-11-2006 Added function get_nlev(), get_nlat(), get_nlon() to __init__py to retrieve compiled number of levels, latitudes, longitudes 25-10-2006 Added keywords to thermodyn functions qs, ws etc. Corrected bug in qs: specific humidity is q = eps*e/(p+(1-eps)*e) and not q = eps*e/p as before 24-10-2006 Added function to make skew-T lnp plot. 19-10-2006 Changed function to compute thetae to use definition in Bohren+Albrecht 18-10-2006 Added function pseudoadiab() to thermodyn module that computes both pseudoadiabats by integrating the pseudoadiabatic lapse rate equation 18-10-2006 Added function z() to thermodyn module that computes height given temp and press profiles, assuming hydrostatic equilibrium and 23-09-2006 Bug fix: calday now written to ouput file each time write() is called 15-09-2006 Added CliMT version, run date and restart file name to global attributes of output netcdf file 12-09-2206 Bug fix: orbital parameters in insolation module are now correctly reset to values specified in kwargs when insolation module is federated 12-09-2006 Added check for Darwin version in CompilerFlags, needed to get the right link flags in xlf configure file 08-08-2006 Added flags for compilation using Intel ifort on Mac OS X 28-06-2006 Added simplified Betts-Miller convection scheme (Dargan Frierson/Jonathan Mitchell) 28-06-2006 Improvements to Monitor -- now printing max and min values of 2D arrays, and using interpolation='nearest'