#!/usr/bin/env python from component import Component class insolation(Component): """ A module for computing Earth's orbital parameters, zenith angle and insolation. * Instantiation: x = climt_lite.insolation( ) where are the following OPTIONAL arguments: Name Dims Meaning Units Default Notes scon 0 Solar constant W m-2 1367. orb_year 0 Year AD for which (integer) 1995 Only accurate within 1 million orbital parmeters years of 1950. Taken from CCM3.6, are computed based on Berger (1978) eccen 0 eccentricity deg (1995) | If specified, these obliq 0 obliquity deg (1995) | will override values prece 0 longitude perihelion deg (1995) | set by orb_year avg 0 Time averaging (string) 'annual' 'inst' => instantaneous insolation 'daily' => daily-mean insolation 'annual' => annual-mean insolation calday 0 Julian calendar day (float) 80.5 vernal equinox lat 0-1 Latitude degree 0. lon 0-1 Longitude degree 0. * Usage: Call instance directly to compute zenith angle and insolation: x( ) where are as above. * Output (accessible as x.zen, etc): Name Meaning Units zen Solar zenith angle degree solin Insolation W m-2 """ def __init__(self, avg='annual', **kwargs): # Load extension try: import _insolation except: raise ImportError, '\n \n ++++ CliMT.insolation: Could not load insolation extension' # Define some attributes self.Name = 'insolation' self.avg = avg self.LevType = None self.SteppingScheme = None self.Extension = _insolation exec( 'self.driver = _insolation.%s_driver' % avg ) self.ToExtension = ['calday','lat','lon','scon','radius','daysperyear'] self.FromExtension = ['zen','solin'] self.Required = [] self.Prognostic = [] self.Diagnostic = ['zen','solin'] # Initialize fields etc. Component.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.setOrbParams(**kwargs) self.compute() # Check input errmsg='\n +++ CliMT.insolation: make sure 0 <= calday <= %s\n' % self.Params['daysperyear'] assert 0 <= self.Params['calday'] <= self.Params['daysperyear'], errmsg # Sets orbital parameters def setOrbParams(self, **kwargs): # set orb params by orb_year if 'orb_year' in kwargs: orb_year = kwargs['orb_year'] else: orb_year = self.Params['orb_year'] self.setOrbParamsByYear(orb_year=orb_year) # if provided, set each orb param separately, overriding those set by orb_year if 'eccen' in kwargs: eccen = kwargs['eccen'] errmsg='\n\n +++ CliMT.insolation: eccen must be in range [0,1]' assert 0. <= eccen <= 1., errmsg self.eccen = self.Extension.orbpar.eccen = eccen if 'obliq' in kwargs: obliq = kwargs['obliq'] errmsg='\n\n +++ CliMT.insolation: obliq must be in range [-90,90] degrees' assert -90. <= obliq <= 90., errmsg self.obliq = self.Extension.orbpar.obliq = obliq if 'prece' in kwargs: prece = kwargs['prece'] errmsg='\n\n +++ CliMT.insolation: prece must be in range [0,360] degrees' assert 0. <= prece <= 360., errmsg self.prece = self.Extension.orbpar.mvelp = prece # Sets orbital parameters to those of orb_year def setOrbParamsByYear(self, orb_year=1995): # check input errmsg='\n\n +++ CliMT.insolation: orb_year must be in range 1950 +- 1million years' assert 1950-1000000 <= orb_year <= 1950+1000000, errmsg # compute orb params self.Extension.berger78_driver(orb_year) # f2py magic lets us get values from orbpar common block self.eccen = self.Extension.orbpar.eccen self.obliq = self.Extension.orbpar.obliq self.prece = self.Extension.orbpar.mvelp # Returns orbital parameters (eccentriciy, obliquity, lon. vernal exquinox) def getOrbParams(self): return (self.eccen, self.obliq, self.prece) # Provides a simple interface to extension, useful e.g. for diagnostics. # Overrides __call__ inherited from Component def __call__(self,**kwargs): # Check input for key in ['calday','daysperyear']: if key in kwargs: self.Params[key] = kwargs[key] errmsg='\n +++ CliMT.insolation: make sure 0 <= calday <= %s\n'%self.Params['daysperyear'] assert 0. <= self.Params['calday'] <= self.Params['daysperyear'], errmsg # Reset orb params self.setOrbParams(**kwargs) # Initialize grid and state Component.__call__(self,**kwargs)