import math class Parameters: ''' ''' def __init__(self,**kwargs): # Set default param values self._setDefaults() # Used items will be popped from kwargs self.unused_kwargs = kwargs # Update params requested in kwargs for key in self.value: if key in kwargs and kwargs[key] is not None: self.value[key] = kwargs.pop(key) def _setDefaults(self): self.value = {} self.units = {} self.long_name = {} # Physical constants self.append('Cpd', 1005.7, 'J K-1 kg-1', 'Spec. heat dry air at const. press.') self.append('Cvd', 718., 'J K-1 kg-1', 'Spec. heat dry air at const. volume') self.append('Cpv', 1870., 'J K-1 kg-1', 'Specific heat of water vapour') self.append('Cl', 4190., 'J K-1 kg-1', 'Spec heat liquid water') self.append('Rv', 461.5, 'J K-1 kg-1', 'Gas constant for water vapour') self.append('Rd', 287.04, 'J K-1 kg-1', 'Gas constant dry air') self.append('Lv', 2.501e6, ' ', 'Latent heat vaporisation') self.append('Lf', 3.336e5, ' ', 'Lat heat of fusion') self.append('rowl', 1000., 'kg m-3', 'Density of liquid water') self.append('stebol', 5.67e-8, ' ', 'Stefan Boltzmann constant' ) self.append('epsilon', 287.04/461.5, '-', 'Rd/Rv') # Orbital and planetary parameters self.append('eccen', 0.016715, '-', 'Eccentricity of orbit') self.append('obliq', 23.4441, 'deg', 'Planetary obliquity') self.append('prece', 102.7, 'deg', 'Precession of vernal equinox') self.append('orb_year', 1995, '-', 'Earth year for which orbital params computed') self.append('lod', 86400., 's', 'Length of day' ) self.append('daysperyear', 365.25, '-', 'Number of days in a year' ) self.append('calday', 80.5, 'days', 'Julian calendar day' ) self.append('r', 6374000., 'm', 'Planetary radius' ) self.append('g', 9.8, 'm s-2', 'Gravitational acceleration') self.append('omega', 2.*math.pi/86400., 'rad s-1', 'Planetary rotation rate' ) self.append('radius', 1., 'AU', 'Mean orbital radius' ) self.append('scon', 1367., 'W m-2', 'Solar irradiance at mean orbital radius') # Parameters for axisymmetric dynamics self.append('Newt', 1.e9, 'days', 'Newtonian cooling timescale' ) self.append('delh', 100., 'K', 'Eq-pole gradient of target temp' ) self.append('delv', 40., 'K', 'Surface-trop pot temp increase' ) # Parameters for simple turbulence self.append('nuv', 1., 'm^2/s', 'Kinematic viscosity' ) self.append('Pr', 1., '-', 'Prandtl number (visc/cond)' ) self.append('do_srf_mom_flx', 1, '-', 'Momentum flux thru surface: 1=Yes, 0=No' ) self.append('do_srf_sen_flx', 1, '-', 'Heat flux thru surface: 1=Yes, 0=No' ) self.append('do_srf_lat_flx', 1, '-', 'Moist flux thru surface: 1=Yes, 0=No' ) self.append('Cd', 1.3e-3, '-', 'Surface flux coeff' ) self.append('u0', 5., 'm s-1', 'surface wind for bulk surface flux' ) # Parameters for radiative transfer self.append('do_sw', 1, '-', '1=do, 0=do not compute SW' ) self.append('do_lw', 1, '-', '1=do, 0=do not compute LW' ) self.append('in_cld', 0, '-', '1=in-cloud, 0=grid avg cloud water path' ) self.append('co2', 380., 'ppmv', 'CO2 conc.' ) self.append('n2o', 1.e-9, 'ppmv', 'N2O conc.' ) self.append('ch4', 1.e-9, 'ppmv', 'CH4 conc.' ) self.append('cfc11', 1.e-9, 'ppmv', 'CFC11 conc.' ) self.append('cfc12', 1.e-9, 'ppmv', 'CFC12 conc.' ) self.append('cfc22', 1.e-9, 'ppmv', 'CFC22 conc.' ) self.append('tauvis', 0., '-', 'Aerosol opt. depth, CCM3 scheme' ) self.append('tau_inf', 1., '-', 'Total optical depth, greygas scheme') self.append('alpha_greygas', 1., '-', 'tau profile shape parameter, greygas scheme' ) self.append('beta_greygas', 1., '-', 'bandwith, greygas scheme' ) # Parameters for Emanuel's convection scheme self.append('elcrit', 0.0011, '-', ' ' ) self.append('tlcrit', -55., '-', ' ' ) self.append('entp', 1.5, '-', ' ' ) self.append('sigd', 0.05, '-', ' ' ) self.append('sigs', 0.12, '-', ' ' ) self.append('omtrain', 50.0, '-', ' ' ) self.append('omtsnow', 5.5, '-', ' ' ) self.append('coeffr', 1.0, '-', ' ' ) self.append('coeffs', 0.8, '-', ' ' ) self.append('cu', 0.7, '-', ' ' ) self.append('beta', 10.0, '-', ' ' ) self.append('dtmax', 0.9, '-', ' ' ) self.append('alpha', 0.2, '-', ' ' ) self.append('damp', 0.1, '-', ' ' ) # Parameters for hard convective adjustment scheme self.append('lapse', 9.8/1005.7, 'K m-1', 'Specified lapse rate') # Parameters for simplified Betts-Miller convection scheme self.append('tau_bm', 7200., 's', 'B-M relaxation timescale') self.append('es0', 611., 'kPa', 'reference pressure for C-C relation') self.append('T00', 273.15, 'K', 'reference temperature for C-C relation') self.append('rhbm', 0.8, '-', 'relative humidity of relaxation') self.append('Mv', 18., 'AMU', 'molecular weight of condensible') self.append('Ma', 29., 'AMU', 'mean molecular weight of dry air') # Parameters for ocean self.append('Hslab', 5., 'm', 'Depth of slab ocean' ) # Parameters for timestepping self.append('dt', 60*15., 's', 'Time step' ) self.append('afc', 0.05, '-', 'Asselin filter coefficient' ) def append(self,*arg): key = arg[0] self.value[key] = arg[1] self.units[key] = arg[2] self.long_name[key] = arg[3] # The following methods allow a Parameters instance to be treated as a dictionary def __getitem__(self,key): try: return self.value[key] except: raise IndexError,'\n\n CliMT.Params: %s not a known parameter name' % str(key) def __setitem__(self,key,value): self.value[key] = value def keys(self): return self.value.keys() def __iter__(self): return self.value.__iter__()