#!/usr/bin/env python import string,os from numpy import * from component import Component class radiation(Component): """ Interface to atmospheric radiation schemes. * Instantiation: x=climt_lite.radiation( ) where are the following OPTIONAL arguments: Name Dims Meaning Units Default Notes scheme 0 Radiative scheme (string) 'cam3' Choices are: 'cam3', 'ccm3', 'chou', 'greygas' do_sw 0 Shortwave switch (integer) 1 1 / 0 => do / do not compute SW do_lw 0 Longwave switch (integer) 1 1 / 0 => do / do not compute LW scon 0 Solar constant W m-2 1367. orb_yr 0 Orbital year (integer) 1995 Year used to compute orbital params avg 0 Insolation average (string) 'daily' Choices are: 'inst', 'daily', 'annual' co2 0 CO2 ppmv 330. n2o 0 N2O ppmv 0. ch4 0 CH4 ppmv 0. cfc11 0 CFC11 ppmv 0. cfc12 0 CFC12 ppmv 0. cfc22 0 CFC22 ppmv 0. Chou scheme only tauvis 0 Aerosol opt. depth (float) 0. CCM3 only tau_inf 0 Total opt. depth - 1. Greygas scheme only alpha_greygas 0 Tau shape parameter - 1. Greygas scheme only calday 0 Calendar day (float) 80.5 Insolation computed at specified lat 0-1 Latitude dgr 0. day and lat/lon if solin lon 0-1 Longitude dgr 0. and zen are NOT specified solin 0-2 Insolation W/m2 417.4 Daily-mean on equator at equinox zen 0-2 Solar zenith angle dgr 72.2 Daily-mean on equator at equinox Ts 0-2 Surface temperature K 283.15 ps 0-2 Surface pressure mb 1000. aldif 0-2 Diffuse IR albedo (frac) 0.07 aldir 0-2 Direct IR albedo (frac) 0.07 asdif 0-2 Diffuse UV+vis alb (frac) 0.07 asdir 0-2 Direct UV+vis alb (frac) 0.07 p 1-3 Atmospheric pressure mb Default is equispaced 0-ps. p[0] is top level T 1-3 Temperature K 283.15 Isothermal q 1-3 Specific humidity g/kg 1.e-5 o3 1-3 Ozone mass mix. rat. kg/kg Default obtained by interpolating a tropical data profile cldf 1-3 Cloud fraction frac 0. r_liq 1-3 Drop radius, liquid micron 10. r_ice 1-3 Drop radius, ice micron 30. clwp 1-3 Cloud liquid water path g/m2 0. ciwp 1-3 Cloud ice water path g/m2 -99. If not passed explicitly, ice frac computed internally (CAM3 only) in_cld 0 Cloud water path flag - 0 0 / 1 => grid avg / in-cloud water paths (CAM3 only) flus 1-3 Upwelling LW at surface W/m2 -99. If not passed explicitly, computed from Ts using emiss=1 (CAM3 only) * Usage: Call instance directly to compute radiative fluxes and heating rates: x( ) where are as above. * Output (accessible as x.swflx etc.): Name Meaning Units Notes swhr SW heating rate K s-1 lwhr LW heating rate K s-1 swflx Net SW radiative flux W m-2 lwflx Net LW radiative flux W m-2 SwToaCf SW cloud forc, top of atmos W m-2 With CCM3, may be nonzero even with zero cloud! SwSrfCf SW cloud forc, surface W m-2 With CCM3, may be nonzero even with zero cloud! LwToaCf LW cloud forc, top of atmos W m-2 With CCM3, may be nonzero even with zero cloud! LwSrfCf LW cloud forc, surface W m-2 With CCM3, may be nonzero even with zero cloud! """ def __init__(self, scheme = 'ccm3', **kwargs): # Initialize scheme-dependent attributes if scheme in ['gray','grey','graygas']: scheme='greygas' if scheme not in ['greygas','chou','ccm3','cam3']: raise ValueError,'\n \n ++++ CliMT.radiation: Scheme %s unknown' % scheme exec('self.__%s__init__()' % string.lower(scheme)) # Initialize fields etc. Component.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __ccm3__init__(self): # Load extension try: import _ccm3_radiation except: raise ImportError, '\n \n ++++ CliMT.radiation: Could not load CCM3 scheme' # Define some attributes self.Name = 'ccm3_radiation' self.LevType = 'p' self.Extension = _ccm3_radiation self.driver = _ccm3_radiation.driver self.SteppingScheme = 'explicit' self.ToExtension = ['do_sw','do_lw','p','ps','T','Ts','q','o3','cldf','clwp','ciwp', 'aldif','aldir','asdif','asdir','zen','solin','r_liq','r_ice', 'co2','n2o','ch4','cfc11','cfc12','tauvis','g','Cpd', 'epsilon','stebol','dt'] self.FromExtension = ['Tinc','TdotRad','SrfRadFlx','swhr','lwhr','swflx','lwflx','SwToaCf', 'SwSrfCf','LwToaCf','LwSrfCf','SwToa','SwSrf','LwToa','LwSrf'] self.Required = ['p','ps','T','Ts','q','o3','cldf','clwp','ciwp','r_liq','r_ice', 'aldif','aldir','asdif','asdir','zen','solin'] self.Prognostic = ['T'] self.Diagnostic = ['TdotRad','SrfRadFlx','swhr','lwhr','swflx','lwflx','SwToaCf', 'SwSrfCf','LwToaCf','LwSrfCf','SwToa','SwSrf','LwToa','LwSrf'] def __cam3__init__(self): # Load extension try: import _cam3_radiation except: raise ImportError, '\n \n ++++ CliMT.radiation: Could not load CAM3 scheme' # Initialise abs/ems ClimtDir = os.path.dirname( __file__ ) AbsEmsDataFile = os.path.join(ClimtDir,'data/cam3rad/abs_ems_factors_fastvx.c030508.nc') _cam3_radiation.init_absems(AbsEmsDataFile) # Define some attributes self.Name = 'cam3_radiation' self.LevType = 'p' self.Extension = _cam3_radiation self.driver = _cam3_radiation.driver self.SteppingScheme = 'explicit' self.ToExtension = ['do_sw','do_lw','p','dp','ps','T','Ts','q','o3','cldf','clwp','ciwp', 'in_cld','aldif','aldir','asdif','asdir','zen','solin','flus','r_liq','r_ice', 'co2','n2o','ch4','cfc11','cfc12','g','Cpd', 'epsilon','stebol','dt'] self.FromExtension = ['Tinc','TdotRad','SrfRadFlx','swhr','lwhr','swflx','lwflx','SwToaCf', 'SwSrfCf','LwToaCf','LwSrfCf','LwToa','LwSrf','SwToa','SwSrf'] self.Required = ['p','dp','ps','T','Ts','q','o3','cldf','clwp','ciwp','r_liq','r_ice', 'aldif','aldir','asdif','asdir','zen','solin','flus'] self.Prognostic = ['T'] self.Diagnostic = ['TdotRad','SrfRadFlx','swhr','lwhr','swflx','lwflx','SwToaCf', 'SwSrfCf','LwToaCf','LwSrfCf','LwToa','LwSrf','SwToa','SwSrf'] def __chou__init__(self): # Load extension try: import _chou_radiation except: raise ImportError, '\n \n ++++ CliMT.radiation: Could not load Chou scheme' # Define some attributes self.Name = 'chou_radiation' self.LevType = 'p' self.Extension = _chou_radiation self.driver = _chou_radiation.driver self.SteppingScheme = 'explicit' self.ToExtension = ['do_sw','do_lw','p','ps','T','Ts','q','o3','cldf','clwp','ciwp', 'co2','n2o', 'ch4','cfc11', 'cfc12', 'cfc22','r_liq','r_ice', 'aldif', 'aldir','asdif', 'asdir','zen', 'solin', 'g', 'Cpd','dt'] self.FromExtension = ['Tinc','TdotRad','SrfRadFlx','swhr','lwhr','swflx','lwflx', 'SwToaCf','SwSrfCf','LwToaCf','LwSrfCf','lwtau','SwToa','SwSrf','LwToa','LwSrf'] self.Required = ['p','ps','T','Ts','q','o3','cldf','clwp','ciwp','r_liq','r_ice', 'aldif','aldir','asdif','asdir','zen','solin'] self.Prognostic = ['T'] self.Diagnostic = ['TdotRad','SrfRadFlx','swhr','lwhr','swflx','lwflx','SwToaCf', 'SwSrfCf','LwToaCf','LwSrfCf','lwtau','SwToa','SwSrf','LwToa','LwSrf'] def __greygas__init__(self): # Load extension try: import _greygas_radiation except: raise ImportError, '\n \n ++++ CliMT.radiation: Could not load grey gas scheme' # Define some attributes self.Name = 'greygas_radiation' self.LevType = 'p' self.Extension = _greygas_radiation self.driver = _greygas_radiation.driver self.SteppingScheme = 'explicit' self.ToExtension = ['beta_greygas','stebol','g','dt','Cpd','tau_inf','alpha_greygas','T','q','p','ps','solin','Ts'] self.FromExtension = ['Tinc','TdotRad','SrfRadFlx','swhr','swflx','lwhr','lwflx','lwup','lwdown','lwtau'] self.Required = ['T','q','p','ps','solin','Ts'] self.Prognostic = ['T'] self.Diagnostic = ['TdotRad','SrfRadFlx','lwhr','lwflx','lwup','lwdown','lwtau']