#!/usr/bin/env python # Moist thermodynamics module from numpy import * from utils import squeeze from parameters import Parameters try: import _thermodyn except ImportError: print "Thermodynamics components are currently unavailable." def es(T): ''' Return saturation partial pressure of water vapour es [mb] at temperature T [K] Use Boren and Albrecht "Atmospheric Thermodynamics", p 198 ''' return squeeze(_thermodyn.es(T)) def qs(T, p, Rd=None, Rv=None): ''' Return saturation specific humidity qs [g/kg] at temperature T [K] and pressure p [mb] Use Boren and Albrecht "Atmospheric Thermodynamics", p 186 ''' if Rd is None: Rd = Parameters()['Rd'] if Rv is None: Rv = Parameters()['Rv'] return squeeze(_thermodyn.qs(Rd,Rv,T,p)) def ws(T, p, Rd=None, Rv=None): ''' Return saturation mass mixing ration of water vapour ws [g/kg] at temperature T [K] and pressure p [mb] Use Boren and Albrecht "Atmospheric Thermodynamics", p 186 ''' if Rd is None: Rd = Parameters()['Rd'] if Rv is None: Rv = Parameters()['Rv'] return squeeze(_thermodyn.ws(Rd,Rv,T,p)) def esflatau(T,i): ''' Return saturation partial pressure of water vapor es [mb] at temperature T [K]. Use 8th order polynomial fit of Flatau et al (1992),J. App. Met . 31, 1507-1513, Table 4 i = 1 => return vapour pressure over water (valid -85C < t < 70C) i = 2 => return vapour pressure over ice (valid -90C < t < 0C) ''' return squeeze(_thermodyn.esflatau(T,i)) def qsflatau(T,p,i=None,Rd=None,Rv=None): ''' Return saturation specific humidity qs [g/kg] at temperature T [K] and pressure p [mb] Use 8th order polynomial fit of Flatau et al (1992), J. App. Met . 31, 1507-1513, Table 4 i = 1 => return sat. mix. ratio over water (valid -85C < t < 70C) i = 2 => return sat. mix. ratio over ice (valid -90C < t < 0C) ''' if i is None: i = 1 if Rd is None: Rd = Parameters()['Rd'] if Rv is None: Rv = Parameters()['Rv'] return squeeze(_thermodyn.qsflatau(Rd,Rv,T,p,i)) def wsflatau(T,p,i=None,Rd=None,Rv=None): ''' Return saturation mass mixing ratio of water vapor ws [g/kg] at temperature T [K] and pressure p [mb] Use 8th order polynomial fit of Flatau et al (1992), J. App. Met . 31, 1507-1513, Table 4 i = 1 => return sat. mix. ratio over water (valid -85C < t < 70C) i = 2 => return sat. mix. ratio over ice (valid -90C < t < 0C) ''' if i is None: i = 1 if Rd is None: Rd = Parameters()['Rd'] if Rv is None: Rv = Parameters()['Rv'] return squeeze(_thermodyn.wsflatau(T,p,i)) def tdew(p,q): ''' Return dew point temperature tdew [K] at pressure p [mb] and specific humidity q [g/kg] Use Eq. (11) in Bolton (1980), Mon. Wea. Rev. 108, 1046-1053 ''' return squeeze(_thermodyn.tdew(p,q)) def tstar(T,p,q): ''' Return saturation point temperature tstar [K] (i.e. temperature at lifting condensation level) given temperature T [K], pressure p [mb], specific humidity q [g/kg]. Use Eq. (12) in Bolton (1980), Mon. Wea. Rev. 108, 1046-1053 ''' return squeeze(_thermodyn.tstar(T,p,q)) def theta(T, p, q=None, Rd=None, Rv=None, cpd=None, cpv=None, p0=None): ''' Return potential temperature thetae [K] given temperature T [K], pressure p [mb], specific humidity q [g/kg]. ''' if Rd is None: Rd = Parameters()['Rd'] if Rv is None: Rv = Parameters()['Rv'] if cpd is None: cpd = Parameters()['Cpd'] if cpv is None: cpv = Parameters()['Cpv'] if p0 is None: p0 = 1000. if q is None: q = zeros(shape(T))*0. return squeeze(_thermodyn.theta(Rd, Rv, cpd, cpv, p0, p, T, q)) def thetae(T, p, wt=None, \ Rd=None, Rv=None, lv0=None, cpd=None, cpv=None, cl=None, p0=None): ''' Return equivalent potential temperature thetae [K] given temperature T [K], pressure p [mb], and total water mass mixing ratio wt [g/kg]. If wt is not specified, parcel is assumed to be just saturated (no condensate). If wt is specified and is less that saturation mixing ratio, thetae is computed at the lifting condensation level. Uses Eq. (6.119) in Bohren+Albrecht, p.293. ''' if Rd is None: Rd = Parameters()['Rd'] if Rv is None: Rv = Parameters()['Rv'] if lv0 is None: lv0 = Parameters()['Lv'] if cpd is None: cpd = Parameters()['Cpd'] if cpv is None: cpv = Parameters()['Cpv'] if cl is None: cl = Parameters()['Cl'] if p0 is None: p0 = 1000. if wt is None: wt = -1.*ones(shape(T)) return squeeze(_thermodyn.thetae(Rd, Rv, lv0, cpd, cpv, cl, p0, p, T, wt)) def thetaes(T, p, \ Rd=None, Rv=None, lv0=None, cpd=None, cpv=None, cl=None, p0=None): ''' Return saturation equivalent potential temperature thetae [K] given temperature T [K] and pressure p [mb] Uses Eq. (6.123) in Bohren+Albrecht, p.293. ''' if Rd is None: Rd = Parameters()['Rd'] if Rv is None: Rv = Parameters()['Rv'] if lv0 is None: lv0 = Parameters()['Lv'] if cpd is None: cpd = Parameters()['Cpd'] if cpv is None: cpv = Parameters()['Cpv'] if cl is None: cl = Parameters()['Cl'] if p0 is None: p0 = 1000. return squeeze(_thermodyn.thetaes(Rd, Rv, lv0, cpd, cpv, cl, p0, p, T)) def z(p, T, p0=None, R=None, g=None): ''' Returns height z given temperature T [K] and pressure p. If gas constant R is not specified, then dry air value is used. If grav. accn. g is not specified, then earth value is used. If surface pressure p0 is not specified, then p0=p[-1]. ''' flip=False if alltrue(p[0]>p[-1]): p=p[::-1] flip=True if R is None: R=Parameters()['Rd'] if g is None: g=Parameters()['g'] if p0 is None: p0=p[-1] z=squeeze(_thermodyn.z(R,g,p0,p,T)) if flip: z=z[::-1] return z def pseudoadiab(p, p0, T0, thetae=None, \ Rd=None, Rv=None, lv0=None, cpd=None, cpv=None, cl=None): ''' Returns the temperature [K] at the pressure levels p [mb] along the psudoadiabat identified by pressure p0 [mb] and temperature T0 [K]. If equivalent potential temp thetae is input, then it identifies the adiabat overriding p0,T0. ''' if Rd is None: Rd=Parameters()['Rd'] if Rv is None: Rv=Parameters()['Rv'] if lv0 is None: lv0=Parameters()['Lv'] if cpd is None: cpd=Parameters()['Cpd'] if cpv is None: cpv=Parameters()['Cpv'] if cl is None: cl=Parameters()['Cl'] if thetae is not None: p0 = zeros(shape(thetae)) + 1. T0 = thetae*(p0/1000.)**(Rd/cpd) flip=False if alltrue(p[0]>p[-1]): p=p[::-1] flip=True T=squeeze(_thermodyn.pseudoadiab(Rd,Rv,lv0,cpd,cpv,cl,p,p0,T0)) if flip: T = T[::-1] return T def CAPE(p, T, q, Virtual=True, MixedLayerDepth=100., \ Rd=None, Rv=None, lv0=None, cpd=None, cpv=None, cl=None): ''' Returns convective available potential energy [J/kg] given pressure p [mb], temperature T [K], spec. humidity q [g/kg]. Use average parcel properties over layer of depth MixedLayerDepth [mb] above ground. If Virtual=True, apply virtual temp correction. ''' if Rd is None: Rd=Parameters()['Rd'] if Rv is None: Rv=Parameters()['Rv'] if lv0 is None: lv0=Parameters()['Lv'] if cpd is None: cpd=Parameters()['Cpd'] if cpv is None: cpv=Parameters()['Cpv'] if cl is None: cl=Parameters()['Cl'] if alltrue(p[0]>p[-1]): p=p[::-1] T=T[::-1] q=q[::-1] if Virtual: ivirt = 1 else: ivirt = 0 return squeeze(_thermodyn.cape(Rd,Rv,lv0,cpd,cpv,cl,ivirt,MixedLayerDepth,p,T,q)) def CINE(p, T, q, Virtual=True, MixedLayerDepth=100.,\ Rd=None, Rv=None, lv0=None, cpd=None, cpv=None, cl=None): ''' Returns convective inhibition energy [J/kg] given pressure p [mb], temperature T [K], spec. humidity q [g/kg] Use average parcel properties over layer of depth MixedLayerDepth [mb] above ground. If Virtual=True, apply virtual temp correction. ''' if Rd is None: Rd=Parameters()['Rd'] if Rv is None: Rv=Parameters()['Rv'] if lv0 is None: lv0=Parameters()['Lv'] if cpd is None: cpd=Parameters()['Cpd'] if cpv is None: cpv=Parameters()['Cpv'] if cl is None: cl=Parameters()['Cl'] if p[0]>p[-1]: p=p[::-1] T=T[::-1] q=q[::-1] if Virtual: ivirt = 1 else: ivirt = 0 return squeeze(_thermodyn.cine(Rd,Rv,lv0,cpd,cpv,cl,ivirt,MixedLayerDepth,p,T,q)) def skewT(p=None, T=None, Td=None, virtual=False): N = 50 p0 = 1050 ptop = 10. p1 = p0 - (arange(N+1)) * (p0 - ptop)/N def getSkewOffset(p): Tmin =-40. Tmax = 40. pmin= 100. pmax = 1050. tanGamma = (Tmax-Tmin)/log(pmax/pmin) return tanGamma*log(pmax/p) def plotSkewGrid(): off = getSkewOffset(p1) for x in range(-90,40,10): pylab.semilogy(x+off,p1,'k',linestyle='-',linewidth=.5) for y in range(100,1050,100): #pylab.axhline(y,color='k',linestyle='-',linewidth=.5) pylab.semilogy([-100,100],[y,y],color='k',linestyle='-',linewidth=.5) def plotAdiabats(): off = getSkewOffset(p1) for theta in range(240,480,10): # Dry kappa = Parameters()['Rd']/Parameters()['Cpd'] T = theta*(p1/1000.)**kappa - 273.15 pylab.semilogy(T+off, p1, c='#996663', lw=1) # Moist if virtual: T = pseudoadiab(p1,1.,1.,thetae=theta+5.) T = T*(1.+0.608*qs(T,p1)*1.e-3) - 273.15 else: T = pseudoadiab(p1,1.,1.,thetae=theta+5.) -273.15 pylab.semilogy(T+off, p1, c='#006600', lw=1) def plotHumidityIsopleths(): off = getSkewOffset(p1) for q in [0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, \ 1., 1.5, 2., 2.5, 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 12., \ 14., 16., 18., 20., 24., 28., 32.]: T=tdew(p1,p1*0.+q)-273.15 pylab.semilogy(T+off, p1, c='y', linestyle='--', lw=1) try: try: import matplotlib.pylab as pylab except: import matplotlib.matlab as pylab pylab.ion() except: print '\n ++++ CliMT: WARNING: matplotlib.pylab ' \ +'could not be loaded, so cannot plot skew T !\n' pylab.figure(figsize=(7,10)) plotAdiabats() plotHumidityIsopleths() plotSkewGrid() if p is not None: if T is not None: pylab.semilogy(T+getSkewOffset(p),p,'k',linewidth=3) if Td is not None: # missing values must be negative !! kmax = argmin(Td) Td = Td[0:kmax] p = p[0:kmax] pylab.semilogy(Td+getSkewOffset(p),p, c='0.7',linewidth=3) if virtual and Td is not None and T is not None: T = T[0:kmax] Tv = (T+273.15)*(1.+0.608*qs(Td+273.15,p)*1.e-3) - 273.15 pylab.semilogy(Tv+getSkewOffset(p),p, c='k',linewidth=1) pylab.yticks(arange(100,1100,100),\ tuple([str(i) for i in arange(100,1100,100)])) pylab.ylabel('Pressure [hPa]') pylab.xlabel('Temperature [C]') pylab.xlim(-30,40) pylab.ylim(1050,100) manager = pylab.get_current_fig_manager() manager.canvas.draw() def pdryadiab(T,theta,q): ''' Return pressure level pdryadiab [mb] at which temperature is T [K] on the dry (i.e. unsaturated) adiabat identified by potential temperature theta [K] and specific humidity q [g/kg]. Use Eq. (7) in Bolton (1980), Mon. Wea. Rev. 108, 1046-1053 ''' return squeeze(_thermodyn.pdryadiab(T,theta,q)) def tdryadiab(theta,p,q): ''' Return temperature tdryadiab [K] at level p [mb] on the dry (i.e. unsaturated) adiabat identified by potential temperature theta [K] and specific humidity q [g/kg]. Use Eq. (7) in Bolton (1980), Mon. Wea. Rev. 108, 1046-1053 ''' return squeeze(_thermodyn.tdryadiab(theta,p,q)) def tmoistadiab(thetaes,p): ''' Return temperature [K] at level p [mb] on the moist (i.e. saturated) pseudo-adiabat identified by saturation equivalent potential temperature thetaes [K]. Do it by varying t until delthetae := thetaes - thetae(T,p,qs(T,p)) = 0 Use Eq. (43) in Bolton (1980), Mon. Wea. Rev. 108, 1046-1053 ''' return squeeze(_thermodyn.tmoistadiab(thetaes,p)) def relhum(p,T,q): ''' Given pressure p [mb], temp T [K] and spec. hum. q [g/kg], return relative humidity w/ws [frac] ''' w = q/(1000.-q) * 1000. return w/ws(T,p) def moistadiabat(p, T0, Tstrat, rh): ''' Given pressure levels p [mb], returns temperature profile T [K] along the moist pseudoadiabat assuming saturated conditions at pressure p[0] and temperature T0, and crossing over to isothermal stratosphere where T=Tstrat, and humidity profile q [g/kg] defined by constant relative humidity. Arguments: p[:] Pressure profile [mb] T0 Temperature at lowest atmos level [K] Tstrat Stratospheric temperature [K] rh Relative humidity [frac] ''' p = array(p)*1. T0 = array(T0)*1. # vertical and horizontal dimensions nlev = shape(p)[0] nhor = size(p[-1]) # Work arrays InputShape = shape(p) # store for later use p = reshape(p,(nlev,nhor)) T = zeros((nlev,nhor),'d') q = zeros((nlev,nhor),'d') # Bottom level temp needs special treatment if size(T0) == 1: # If a single bottom temp is given, spread it out horizontally T0 = ones(nhor,'d') * T0 else: # Else, make sure horiz dimensions are consistent assert shape(p[-1]) == shape(T0), \ '\n\n +++ CliMT.thermodyn.moistadiabt: \ inconsistent horizontal dimensions of p and T0 \n\n' # Build profiles for i in range(nhor): q0 = qs( T0[i], p[-1,i] ) # bottom level sat. specific humidity the0 = thetae( T0[i], p[-1,i], q0) # sat. equivalent pot. temp. # Build temp profile kpause=-1 T[:,i] = pseudoadiab(p[:,i],p[-1,i],T0[i]) for k in range(nlev): #T[k,i] = tmoistadiab( the0, p[k,i]) # moist adiabatic profile if T[k,i] < Tstrat: T[k,i]=Tstrat # isothermal stratosphere kpause = k # since we're building from the top down, # kpause will be level just above tropopause # Build humidity profile wpause = ws(T[kpause,i],p[kpause,i])*rh # tropopause mixing rat for k in range(nlev): if k <= kpause: q[k,i] = 1.e-9 #wpause # constant q in stratosphere continue q[k,i] = ws(T[k,i],p[k,i])*rh # Reshape results and return T = reshape(T,InputShape) q = reshape(q,InputShape) q = q/(q+1000.)*1000. # convert from mix ratio to spec hum return (T,q) def thetae_old(T,p,q): ''' Return equivalent potential temperature thetae [K] given temperature T [K], pressure p [mb], specific humidity q [g/kg]. Use Eq. (38) in Bolton (1980), Mon. Wea. Rev. 108, 1046-1053 ''' return squeeze(_thermodyn.thetae_old(T,p,q)) def theta_old(T,p,q): ''' Return potential temperature theta [K] given temperature T [K], pressure p [mb], specific humidity q [g/kg]. Use Eq. (7) in Bolton (1980), Mon. Wea. Rev. 108, 1046-1053 ''' return squeeze(_thermodyn.theta_old(T,p,q))