import math from ClimateUtilities import * #To get the math methods routines # #All units are mks units # #ToDo: # * Add conversion factors (calories to joule,Megatons, etc.) # * Unit conversion calculating object # * Database of interesting constants (e.g energy and C # content of coal) # * Find a better way to organize database of contants, # allowing indexing,unit information and description # *Add the rest of the gases to the database, and find a # better way to index them and provide help. Note that # a printed table is more "transparent" in terms of what # data is available. Find a way of providing a similar # tabular summary of available data, and perhaps values # This applies to the planet data table as well, and perhaps # even to the table of physical constants. # # *Finish putting data into the gas database, # perhaps including Van der Waals, Shomate and Antoine # coefficients, at least in selected cases # # #-------------Basic physical constants------------------- # #The following five are the most accurate 1986 values # h = 6.626075540e-34 #Planck's constant c = 2.99792458e8 #Speed of light k =1.38065812e-23 #Boltzman thermodynamic constant sigma = 5.67051196e-8 #Stefan-Boltzman constant G = 6.67428e-11 #Gravitational constant (2006 measurements) # #-----------Thermodynamic constants------------ #Following will come out in J/(deg kmol), so #that dividing Rstar by molecular weight gives #gas constant appropriate for mks units N_avogadro = 6.022136736e23 #Avogadro's number Rstar = 1000.*k*N_avogadro #Universal gas constant # #----------Properties of gases----------------- #The following are approximate mean values #for "normal" temperatures and pressures, suitable only #for rough calculations. # #This class allows convenient access #to the basic thermodynamic properties of #a gas, and selected properties of its #solid and liquid phases. The properties #do not need to be specified in the __init__ #method, since they can be created dynamically. #We specify them anyway, and set them to None, #as a guide to the naming conventions for those #creating their own gas objects. A utility is also #available which will turn a LaTeX formatted thermodynamic table #into a Python script defining new gas objects. # # # #ToDo: *Add more documentation and help features # # *provide dictionary of properties and units. # *Add some methods or lists that make it easier # for the user to create new gas objects and insert # the data class gas: ''' A gas object stores thermodynamic data for a gas, and selected properties of its condensed phases. You can create a gas object for gas G by executing: G = gas() and then setting the attributes individually (see below for explanation of names). A collection of gas objects for common gases is provided as part of the phys module. These gas objects were not actually created "by hand" but rather using a utility script that automatically translates a LaTeX formatted table into a Python script defining the objects. Attributes of a gas object: CriticalPointT: Critical point temperature (K) CriticalPointP: Critical point pressure (Pa) TriplePointT: Triple point temperature (K) TriplePointP: Triple point pressure (Pa) L_vaporization_BoilingPoint: Latent heat of vaporization (J/kg) at boiling point. The so-called "boiling point" is the temperature at which the saturation vapor pressure equals 1 atmosphere (1.013 bar). For CO2, the "boiling point" occurs below the triple point temperature, so the condensed phase would not be a liquid. Hence, for CO2 the latent heat is given at the arbitrary reference point of 253K and 29Pa. L_vaporization_TriplePoint: Latent heat of vaporization (J/kg) at the triple point L_fusion: Latent heat of fusion (J/kg) at the triple point L_sublimation: Latent heat of sublimation (J/kg) at triple point rho_liquid_BoilingPoint Liquid phase density (kg/m**3) at the boiling point rho_liquid_TriplePoint: Liquid phase density (kg/m**3) at the triple point rho_solid: Solid phase density (kg/m**3) at (or sometimes near) the triple point cp: Gas phase specific heat (J/(kg K)), at 298K and 1 bar gamma: ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to specific heat at constant volume. (Generally stated at 298K and 1bar) MolecularWeight: Molecular weight of the dominant isotope name: Name of the gas formula: Chemical formula (e.g. 'CH4') L_vaporization: Default value to use for latent heat of vaporization. Set to triple point value, if available, else to boiling point value rho_liquid: Default value to use for liquid phase density. Set to triple point value if available otherwise set to boiling point value R: Gas constant for the individual gas. Computed from other data as Rstar/MolecularWeight, when the update() method is called Rcp: The adiabatic exponent R/cp. Computed from other data when the update() method is called. ''' #The __repr__ method allows us to print out #a help string when the user types the name #of a gas object def __repr__(self): firstline =\ 'This gas object contains thermodynamic data on %s\n'%self.formula secondline = \ 'Type \"help(gas)\" for more information\n' return firstline+secondline def __init__(self): self.CriticalPointT = None self.CriticalPointP = None self.TriplePointT = None self.TriplePointP = None self.L_vaporization_BoilingPoint = None self.L_vaporization_TriplePoint = None self.L_fusion = None self.L_sublimation = None self.rho_liquid_BoilingPoint = None self.rho_liquid_TriplePoint = None self.rho_solid = None self.cp = None self.gamma = None self.MolecularWeight = None = None self.formula = None # #Default values for latent heat and liquid #density. The triple point value is set #as the default if it is available, otherwise #the boiling point values are used. self.L_vaporization= None self.rho_liquid= None # #Computed quantities # self.R = None self.Rcp = None #Function to compute derived properties def update(self): self.R = Rstar/self.MolecularWeight self.Rcp = self.R/self.cp #Set properties of individual gases # #Thermodynamic properties of dry Earth air air = gas() = 'Earth Air' air.cp = 1004. air.MolecularWeight = 28.97 air.gamma = 1.4003 #------------------------ H2O = gas() H2O.CriticalPointT = 6.471000e+02 H2O.CriticalPointP = 2.210000e+07 H2O.TriplePointT = 2.731500e+02 H2O.TriplePointP = 6.110000e+02 H2O.L_vaporization_BoilingPoint = 2.255000e+06 H2O.L_vaporization_TriplePoint = 2.493000e+06 H2O.L_fusion = 3.340000e+05 H2O.L_sublimation = 2.840000e+06 H2O.rho_liquid_BoilingPoint = 9.584000e+02 H2O.rho_liquid_TriplePoint = 9.998700e+02 H2O.rho_solid = 9.170000e+02 H2O.cp = 1.847000e+03 H2O.gamma = 1.331000e+00 H2O.MolecularWeight = 1.800000e+01 = 'Water' H2O.formula = 'H2O' H2O.L_vaporization=2.493000e+06 H2O.rho_liquid=9.998700e+02 #------------------------ CH4 = gas() CH4.CriticalPointT = 1.904400e+02 CH4.CriticalPointP = 4.596000e+06 CH4.TriplePointT = 9.067000e+01 CH4.TriplePointP = 1.170000e+04 CH4.L_vaporization_BoilingPoint = 5.100000e+05 CH4.L_vaporization_TriplePoint = 5.360000e+05 CH4.L_fusion = 5.868000e+04 CH4.L_sublimation = 5.950000e+05 CH4.rho_liquid_BoilingPoint = 4.502000e+02 CH4.rho_liquid_TriplePoint = None CH4.rho_solid = 5.093000e+02 CH4.cp = 2.195000e+03 CH4.gamma = 1.305000e+00 CH4.MolecularWeight = 1.600000e+01 = 'Methane' CH4.formula = 'CH4' CH4.L_vaporization=5.360000e+05 CH4.rho_liquid=4.502000e+02 #------------------------ CO2 = gas() CO2.CriticalPointT = 3.042000e+02 CO2.CriticalPointP = 7.382500e+06 CO2.TriplePointT = 2.165400e+02 CO2.TriplePointP = 5.185000e+05 CO2.L_vaporization_BoilingPoint = None CO2.L_vaporization_TriplePoint = 3.970000e+05 CO2.L_fusion = 1.960000e+05 CO2.L_sublimation = 5.930000e+05 CO2.rho_liquid_BoilingPoint = 1.032000e+03 CO2.rho_liquid_TriplePoint = 1.110000e+03 CO2.rho_solid = 1.562000e+03 CO2.cp = 8.200000e+02 CO2.gamma = 1.294000e+00 CO2.MolecularWeight = 4.400000e+01 = 'Carbon Dioxide' CO2.formula = 'CO2' CO2.L_vaporization=3.970000e+05 CO2.rho_liquid=1.110000e+03 #------------------------ N2 = gas() N2.CriticalPointT = 1.262000e+02 N2.CriticalPointP = 3.400000e+06 N2.TriplePointT = 6.314000e+01 N2.TriplePointP = 1.253000e+04 N2.L_vaporization_BoilingPoint = 1.980000e+05 N2.L_vaporization_TriplePoint = 2.180000e+05 N2.L_fusion = 2.573000e+04 N2.L_sublimation = 2.437000e+05 N2.rho_liquid_BoilingPoint = 8.086000e+02 N2.rho_liquid_TriplePoint = None N2.rho_solid = 1.026000e+03 N2.cp = 1.037000e+03 N2.gamma = 1.403000e+00 N2.MolecularWeight = 2.800000e+01 = 'Nitrogen' N2.formula = 'N2' N2.L_vaporization=2.180000e+05 N2.rho_liquid=8.086000e+02 #------------------------ O2 = gas() O2.CriticalPointT = 1.545400e+02 O2.CriticalPointP = 5.043000e+06 O2.TriplePointT = 5.430000e+01 O2.TriplePointP = 1.500000e+02 O2.L_vaporization_BoilingPoint = 2.130000e+05 O2.L_vaporization_TriplePoint = 2.420000e+05 O2.L_fusion = 1.390000e+04 O2.L_sublimation = 2.560000e+05 O2.rho_liquid_BoilingPoint = 1.141000e+03 O2.rho_liquid_TriplePoint = 1.307000e+03 O2.rho_solid = 1.351000e+03 O2.cp = 9.160000e+02 O2.gamma = 1.393000e+00 O2.MolecularWeight = 3.200000e+01 = 'Oxygen' O2.formula = 'O2' O2.L_vaporization=2.420000e+05 O2.rho_liquid=1.307000e+03 #------------------------ H2 = gas() H2.CriticalPointT = 3.320000e+01 H2.CriticalPointP = 1.298000e+06 H2.TriplePointT = 1.395000e+01 H2.TriplePointP = 7.200000e+03 H2.L_vaporization_BoilingPoint = 4.540000e+05 H2.L_vaporization_TriplePoint = None H2.L_fusion = 5.820000e+04 H2.L_sublimation = None H2.rho_liquid_BoilingPoint = 7.097000e+01 H2.rho_liquid_TriplePoint = None H2.rho_solid = 8.800000e+01 H2.cp = 1.423000e+04 H2.gamma = 1.384000e+00 H2.MolecularWeight = 2.000000e+00 = 'Hydrogen' H2.formula = 'H2' H2.L_vaporization=4.540000e+05 H2.rho_liquid=7.097000e+01 #------------------------ He = gas() He.CriticalPointT = 5.100000e+00 He.CriticalPointP = 2.280000e+05 He.TriplePointT = 2.170000e+00 He.TriplePointP = 5.070000e+03 He.L_vaporization_BoilingPoint = 2.030000e+04 He.L_vaporization_TriplePoint = None He.L_fusion = None He.L_sublimation = None He.rho_liquid_BoilingPoint = 1.249600e+02 He.rho_liquid_TriplePoint = None He.rho_solid = 2.000000e+02 He.cp = 5.196000e+03 He.gamma = 1.664000e+00 He.MolecularWeight = 4.000000e+00 = 'Helium' He.formula = 'He' He.L_vaporization=2.030000e+04 He.rho_liquid=1.249600e+02 #------------------------ NH3 = gas() NH3.CriticalPointT = 4.055000e+02 NH3.CriticalPointP = 1.128000e+07 NH3.TriplePointT = 1.954000e+02 NH3.TriplePointP = 6.100000e+03 NH3.L_vaporization_BoilingPoint = 1.371000e+06 NH3.L_vaporization_TriplePoint = 1.658000e+06 NH3.L_fusion = 3.314000e+05 NH3.L_sublimation = 1.989000e+06 NH3.rho_liquid_BoilingPoint = 6.820000e+02 NH3.rho_liquid_TriplePoint = 7.342000e+02 NH3.rho_solid = 8.226000e+02 NH3.cp = 2.060000e+03 NH3.gamma = 1.309000e+00 NH3.MolecularWeight = 1.700000e+01 = 'Ammonia' NH3.formula = 'NH3' NH3.L_vaporization=1.658000e+06 NH3.rho_liquid=7.342000e+02 #------------------------ #------------------------ #Synonym for H2O water = H2O #Make a list of all the gases # #This clever little fragment uses the fact that #Python can execute any string as a Python statement, #in order to find all the gases and build a list of them. #I don't know if there is a more straightforward way to #get a list of all the objects of a certain type, but this #works. Some of the trickery below is needed because #the dir() command returns a list of strings, which #give the names of the objects. It doesn't give the objects #themselves. gases = [] for ob in dir(): exec('isGas=isinstance('+ob+',gas)') if isGas: exec('gases.append('+ob+')') #Update all the gases for gas1 in gases: gas1.update() # # #----------------Radiation related functions------------- #Planck function (of frequency) def B(nu,T): u = min(h*nu/(k*T),500.) #To prevent overflow return (2.*h*nu**3/c**2)/(math.exp(u)-1.) # # #----------Saturation Vapor Pressure functions--------------- # #Saturation vapor pressure over ice (Smithsonian formula) # Input: Kelvin. Output: Pascal def satvpi(T): # # Compute es over ice (valid between -153 c and 0 c) # see smithsonian meteorological tables page 350 # # Original source: GFDL climate model, circa 1995 esbasi = 6107.1 tbasi = 273.16 # aa = -9.09718 *(tbasi/T-1.0) b = -3.56654 *math.log10(tbasi/T) c = 0.876793*(1.0-T/tbasi) e = math.log10(esbasi) esice = 10.**(aa+b+c+e) return .1*esice #Convert to Pascals #Saturation vapor pressure over liquid water (Smithsonian formula) # Input: Kelvin. Output: Pascal def satvpw(T): # compute es over liquid water between -20c and freezing. # see smithsonian meteorological tables page 350. # # Original source: GFDL climate model, circa 1995 esbasw = 1013246.0 tbasw = 373.16 # aa = -7.90298*(tbasw/T-1) b = 5.02808*math.log10(tbasw/T) c = -1.3816e-07*( 10.**( ((1-T/tbasw)*11.344)-1 ) ) d = 8.1328e-03*( 10.**( ((tbasw/T-1)*(-3.49149))-1) ) e = math.log10(esbasw) esh2O = 10.**(aa+b+c+d+e) return .1*esh2O #Convert to Pascals # An alternate formula for saturation vapor pressure over liquid water def satvpw_Heymsfield(T): ts=373.16 sr=3.0057166 # Vapor pressure over water. Heymsfield formula ar = ts/T br = 7.90298*(ar-1.) cr = 5.02808*math.log10(ar); dw = (1.3816E-07)*(10.**(11.344*(1.-1./ar))-1.) er = 8.1328E-03*((10.**(-(3.49149*(ar-1.))) )-1.) vp = 10.**(cr-dw+er+sr-br) vp=vp*1.0e02 return(vp) def satvpg(T): #This is the saturation vapor pressure computation used in the #GFDL climate model. It blends over from water saturation to #ice saturation as the temperature falls below 0C. if ((T-273.16) < -20.): return satvpi(T) if ( ((T-273.16) >= -20.)&((T-273.16)<=0.)): return 0.05*(273.16-T)*satvpi(T) + 0.05*(T-253.16)*satvpw(T) if ((T-273.16)>0.): return satvpw(T) #Saturation vapor pressure for any substance, computed using #the simplified form of Clausius-Clapeyron assuming the perfect #gas law and constant latent heat def satvps(T,T0,e0,MolecularWeight,LatentHeat): Rv=Rstar/MolecularWeight return e0*math.exp(-(LatentHeat/Rv)*(1./T - 1./T0)) #This example shows how to simplify the use of the simplified #saturation vapor pressure function, by setting up an object #that stores the thermodynamic data needed, so it doesn't have #to be re-entered each time. Because of the __call__ method, #once the object is created, it can be invoked like a regular #function. # #Usage example: # To set up a function e(T) that approximates the saturation # vapor presure for a substance which has a latent heat of # 2.5e6 J/kg, a molecular weight of 18 and has vapor pressure # 3589. Pa at a temperature of 300K, create the function using: # # e = satvps_function(300.,3589.,18.,2.5e6) # # and afterward you can invoke it simply as e(T), where T # is whatever temperature you want to evaluate it for. # #Alternately, satvps_function can be called with a gas object #as the first argument, e.g. # e = satvps_function(phys.CO2) # #If no other arguments are given, the latent heat of sublimation #will be used when e(T) is called for temperatures below the triple #point, and the latent heat of vaporization will be used for #temperatures above the triple point. To allow you to force #one or the other latent heats to be used, satvps_function takes #an optional second argument when the first argument is a gas #object. Thus, # e = satvps_function(phys.CO2,'ice') #will always use the latent heat of sublimation, regardless of T, #while e = satvps_function(phys.CO2,'liquid') will always use #the latent heat of vaporization. class satvps_function: def __init__(self,Gas_or_T0,e0_or_iceFlag=None,MolecularWeight=None,LatentHeat=None): #Check if the first argument is a gas object. If not, assume #that the arguments give T0, e0, etc. as numbers self.iceFlag = e0_or_iceFlag if isinstance(Gas_or_T0,gas): self.gas = Gas_or_T0 self.M = Gas_or_T0.MolecularWeight self.T0 = Gas_or_T0.TriplePointT self.e0 = Gas_or_T0.TriplePointP if self.iceFlag == 'ice': self.L = Gas_or_T0.L_sublimation elif self.iceFlag == 'liquid': self.L = Gas_or_T0.L_vaporization else: self.iceFlag = 'switch' self.M = Gas_or_T0.MolecularWeight else: self.L = LatentHeat self.M = MolecularWeight self.T0 = Gas_or_T0 self.e0 = e0_or_iceFlag def __call__(self,T): #Decide which latent heat to use if self.iceFlag == 'switch': if T ptop: ans = pa = math.exp(ans[0]) T = math.exp(ans[1]) p = pa+self.satvp(T) pL.append(p) molarConL.append(self.satvp(T)/p) TL.append(T) #Numeric.array turns lists into arrays that one #can do arithmetic on. pL = Numeric.array(pL) TL = Numeric.array(TL) molarConL = Numeric.array(molarConL) #Now compute mass specific concentration Mc = self.condensible.MolecularWeight Mnc = self.noncon.MolecularWeight Mbar = molarConL*Mc +(1.-molarConL)*Mnc qL = (Mc/Mbar)*molarConL # #The else clause below interpolates to a #specified pressure array pgrid, if desired. # interp is a class defined in ClimateUtilities #which creates a callable object which acts like #an interpolation function for the listed data give #as arguments. if pgrid == None: return pL,TL,molarConL,qL else: T1 = interp(pL,TL) mc1 = interp(pL,molarConL) q1 = interp(pL,qL) T = Numeric.array([T1(pp) for pp in pgrid]) mc = Numeric.array([mc1(pp) for pp in pgrid]) q = Numeric.array([q1(pp) for pp in pgrid]) return Numeric.array(pgrid),T, mc, q