README FILE FOR TES RAW CD-ROM DATA This directory does not contain the original raw data from the Mars Global Surveyor TES instrument, since that is too big to include conveniently. It does contain the software used to process the data and put it in a convenient form for plotting. The data consists of infrared spectra observed from orbit, together with metatdata such as latitude and longitude of the target point and estimated surface temperature of the target point. Data volumes in a format that the script can read and process can be downloaded from the NASA Planetary Data System, at The processed files in the parent directory came from the CD-ROM MGST_0156, but any other volume would do about as well. There is a treasure trove of data here, only a small portion of which has been looked at. The processing script executes a compiled command called "vanilla" which unpacks the raw binary instrument data. The vanilla executable in this directory was compiled for an Intel Mac OS10.6. The executable vanillaPPC was compiled for a PPC Mac, but intel macs seem to be able to run it. If you are processing the data on some other kind of computer, you need to recompile vanilla using the source files in the src directory. This is a very simple program, that compiles easily using almost any c compiler. On a linux or Mac you just enter the src directory and type "make" and it will go. You might have to edit the makefile to customize the compile flags for your machine but this is very straightforward. vanilla will build fine using a variety of c compilers on Windows, if you are in that situation.