PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-07-07 NOTE = "Description of the SRC directory contents for a MGS TES-TSDR archive volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END SRC Directory Contents The SRC directory contains source code for using the data on the TES-TSDR archive volume. The files listed below are found in this directory. SRCINFO.TXT - The file you are reading. BUFFS.C - Vanilla source code for data buffering and buffer management. CONVERT.C - Vanilla source code for data conversions. DATASET.C - Vanilla source code for processing the DATASET file. DIR.C - Vanilla source code for retrieving lists of data fragments from a directory. DOS.H - Vanilla source code for DOS/Windows definitions. FAKE.C - Vanilla source code for fake fields. FAKE.H - Header for fake fields. FF_IRTM.C - Vanilla source code for generating IRTM channel data. FF_IRTM.H - Temperature lookup tables for IRTM channels. FF_T20.C - Vanilla source code for generating IRTM "T20" channel in thermal inertia processing. FIELDS.C - Vanilla source code for determining "-fields" options. GENDEF.H - General purpose definitions for cross-platform use of vanilla. HEADER.C - Vanilla source code for processing PDS Headers. HEADER.H - Header for PDS Header processing code. IO_LABLIB3.C - Vanilla source code for parsing PDS Headers. IO_LABLIB3.H - Header for PDS Header parsing code. MAKEFILE - Vanilla Makefile for UNIX platforms. MEM.C - Vanilla source code for system dependent memory management. MEM.H - Header for system dependent memory management. OUTPUT.C - Vanilla source code for text/binary output setup and generation. OUTPUT.H - Header for text/binary output setup and generation. PROTO.H - Vanilla source code for common systems prototype. SEARCH.C - Vanilla source code for search engine. SELECT.C - Vanilla source code for determining "-select" options. SYSTEM.C - Vanilla source code to complement unavailable routines in cross-platform use of vanilla. SYSTEM.H - Header for cross-platform unavailable routines. TOOLBOX.H - Miscellaneous vanilla source codes. TOOLS.C - Vanilla source code defining order of implementation. TOOLS.H - Header for definition of implementation order. VANILLA.C - Main body of vanilla source code, includes argument processing. VERSION.H - Version logs and vanilla fix descriptions (header). Compiling --------- Vanilla requires an ANSI C compiler, and has been successfully compiled in the following environments: * Sun Sparc, Solaris 7 * Red Hat v6.2, Linux 2.2.14-5.0, i686, gcc egcs-1.1.2 * SGI Indigo2 (mips), IRIX V6.5 * IBM RS/6000, AIX Ver. 4.1.4 * HP 9000/735, PA-RISC 2.0, HP-UX B.10.20 * WindowsNT/95, Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Binary executables are available for each of these in the SOFTWARE/BIN directory. See the bininfo.txt file in that directory for details. If you are compiling on an HP, Intel or Windows platform, you will need to modify the Makefile to select the CFLAGS line that matches your environment. There are 2 compile time defines that you may need to set: -D_LITTLE_ENDIAN - for little endian platforms, ie: intel -D_WINDOWS - For Microsoft Visual C++/Windows 95. Once you have modified the Makefile for your environment, just run make. If you have problems with make, you can probably just compile the source files directly with something like this: gcc -O *.c -o vanilla -lm One or more of the following may need to be defined within the gcc command line for your platform: _WINDOWS - for Windows95 compiler; this automatically defines _LITTLE_ENDIAN _LITTLE_ENDIAN - for all other PC based compilers NEED_BASENAME - for systems in which basename is not defined NEED_DIRNAME - for systems in which dirname is not defined NEED_STRTOUL - for systems in which strtoul is not defined