

Paleoaltimetry is the quantitative estimate of the past elevation of the land surface. In collaboration with colleague Ray Pierrehumbert, we have developed theoretical predictions of the relationship between Δ(δ18Omw) and Δ(δ2Hmw) and elevation, where Δ(δ18Omw) and Δ(δ2Hmw) are the difference between low elevation, preferably near sea level isotopic compositions and potentially high elevation meteoric water (mw). The theory is presented in Rowley et al. (2001)(Get the paper here), and in 2 review papers Rowley and Garzione (2007) (Get paper here) and Rowley (2007) (MSA Short-Course pdf). See animations of global precipitation and temperature here. This page is best viewed by double clicking on the first image and then paging through the other images rather than as a slide show which hides associated text.