Scripts for Chapter 6
Surface Energy Balance
- Computes evaporation coefficients and linearized surface flux coupling coefficients for arbitrary atmospheres.
- This is the basic script used to make the surface budget, precipitation-vs-temperature, and melting plots in Chapter 6.
- This uses the ccm radiation model to compute surface back-radiation and surface cooling coefficients. It was used to do the calculations for the figure on surface cooling coefficients at the beginning of the chapter (Fig. 6.1) . It needs to import, located in the Chapter4Scripts directory. You can either put a copy of into the directory from which you are running the script or you can put a copy in any directory in your
. As for all ccm radiation code calculations, this requires that you have installed the climt_lite package.
Currently, is located in the Chapter4Scripts directory, so you you run it from there you don't need to do anything special to give it access to .
This computes the surface cooling for a single-component atmosphere (currently set up to be pure CO2) using the homebrew radiation code. It is mainly used to compute the surface cooling for Venus, because the ccm radiation code cannot handle such an optically thick CO2 atmosphere. This Uses, and, from the Chapter 4 Chapter Scripts. These routines need to be placed in the directory from which you are running the script, or alternatively you need to put a copy of these scripts in any directory in your
- This computes surface and top-of-atmosphere budget terms used in the discussion of the Surface Budget Fallacy, and accompanying figure. It needs to import, located in the Chapter4Scripts directory. You can either put a copy of into the directory from which you are running the script or you can put a copy in any directory in your
. As for all ccm radiation code calculations, this requires that you have installed the climt_lite package.