(Under Construction)
You need two things for this: an x11 implementation for Windows, which will give you a terminal window capable of displaying locally or remotely generated graphics, and a command-line ssh program, which will allow you to log in to a remote computer from an x11 window.
The usual x11 solution for Microsoft Windows is the free implementation, CygWin, available from Cygwin.com.
Here are some implementation notes from Heather Rosenfeld, including hints on how to get ssh working.
- -Go to www.cygwin.com.
- -Click on "install cygwin now." this should download setup.exe to your desktop.
- -Double click setup.exe. choose "install from internet," and the directory you
want it installed to (or make up one; c:\cygwin).
- -When you get to select packages to install, scroll to the bottom and make sure X11 is set at "install" (it's not selected under the default setting. click once on the icon at the left of "default" by x11; this should set it to "install".) -click on the "view" button at the top-right of the window. it probably says "category" to the right of it. after clicking on it, it should say "full" to the right instead of "category", and the packages should now be alphabetized. Scroll down to openssh, and switch this to "install" as well.
- -hit next. things should install. this might take some time, depending on the
speed of your computer.
Now, running cygwin/x and logging into a remote server:
- -run cygwin. start an xterm by typing: "startxwin.sh" and enter.
- -login to the desired server by typing in the xterm: ssh -Y -1 "username@server" (ctrl-D to exit.)
- -for more information: http://x.cygwin.com/docs/ug/cygwin-x-ug.html (the cygwin/x
user's guide.)
Alternately, if you don't need the remote server, you can use IDLE directly;
there's a shortcut to this that's installed when you install python.