from ClimateUtilities import * import phys,math,planets #Computes mass-radius relation given an equation #of state. #Define the equation of state here. gas = phys.H2 def rho(p,T): return p/(gas.R*T) #Integrand function for #right hand side of hydrostatic relation def derivs(r,Y): p,M = Y dpdr = -rho(p,T)*phys.G*M/(r*r) dMdr = rho(p,T)*4.*math.pi*r*r return numpy.array([dpdr,dMdr]) T = 1000. MEarth = 5.972e24 rEarth = planets.Earth.a def M(pstart): p = pstart m = integrator(derivs,1000.,numpy.array([pstart,0.]),10000.) while p>1.e7: res = p = res[1][0] return res[0]/planets.Earth.a,res[1][1]/MEarth rList = [] MList = [] pList = numpy.array([10.e9 + i*(100.e10-10.e9)/100. for i in range(101)]) for p in pList: rr,mm = M(p) print p/1.e9, rr,mm rList.append(rr) MList.append(mm) c = Curve() c.Xlabel = 'radius/Re' c.Ylabel = 'mass/Me' c.addCurve(rList,'r/re') c.addCurve(MList,'m/me') c.dump('MassRad%f.txt'%T) cp = Curve() cp.addCurve(pList/1.e9,'p (GPa)') cp.addCurve(rList,'r/re') cp.addCurve(MList,'m/me') cp.Xlabel = 'Pressure (GPa)'