Department of the GeoPhysical Sciences
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Academic Faculty
Administrative Staff
Graduate Students
Research Faculty
Research Staff
Atmospheres, Oceans, Ice, and Climate
Earth Surface, Interior, and Evolution
Evolution of Earth’s Biosphere
Planetary Sciences and Cosmochemistry
Dorian Abbot
David Archer
Clara Blattler
Andrew Campbell
Fred Ciesla
Maureen Coleman
Nicolas Dauphas
Andy Davis
Michael Foote
Lawrence Grossman
Philipp Heck
Dion Heinz
David Jablonski
Malte Jansen
Susan Kidwell
Edwin Kite
Michael LaBarbera
Douglas R. MacAyeal
Elisabeth Moyer
Noboru Nakamura
Sunny Park
Michael Pellin
Meghana Ranganathan
Linta Reji
Frank M. Richter
David B. Rowley
Tiffany Shaw
Graham Slater
Ramesh Srivastava
Jacob Waldbauer
Mingyi Wang
Mark Webster
David Keith
Allison Karp
Da Yang
Pedram Hassanzadeh
Alexandra Worden
Dorian Abbot
Research Focus:
Climate, paleoclimate, and planetary habitability
Alya Al-Kibbi
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Planetary Sciences and Cosmochemistry
David Archer
Research Focus:
Global carbon cycle, climate change, aqueous chemistry
Horus Balogh-Zanin
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Ian Baxter
Postdoctoral Scholar
Lauren Bergeron
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Taphonomy, Biogeochemistry, Paleontology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy
Clara Blättler
Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
isotope geochemistry, geological carbon cycle, paleoceanography
Nigel Brauser
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
High Pressure Mineral Physics
Logan Cabral-Pelletier
Graduate Student
Chris Cady
Business Administrator
B. B. Cael
Assistant Professor
Benjamin Calfee
Postdoctoral Scholar
Andrew J. Campbell
Department Chair, Professor
Research Focus:
Mineral physics, cosmochemistry
Macol Cerda
Executive Director of CSEi
Sifang Chen
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Freya Chen
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Seismology and Glaciology
Siruo Chen
Graduate Student
Hsing-Hung Chou
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Climate Dynamics, Midlatitude Circulation, Storm Track
Sapon Chupongstimun
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Macroevolution, Paleoecology
Fred Ciesla
Research Focus:
Planetary science, protoplanetary disk evolution, cosmochemistry
Ben Clouser
Research Professional
Maureen Coleman
Associate Professor
Research Focus:
Microbial evolution and ecology, biogeochemistry
Brandon Coy
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Exoplanet atmospheres, habitability, biosignatures
Sandy Cui
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Nicolas Dauphas
Research Focus:
Isotope geochemistry, cosmochemistry
Andrew M. Davis
Research Focus:
Isotope geochemistry, cosmochemistry
Nathan Davis
Graduate Student
Maria Luiza (Malu) De Carvalho Ferreira
Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Focus:
oceanography, paleoclimate, geochemistry
Yue Deng
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Macroevolution of Bivalves
Adrien Desmoulin
Research Engineer
Ashraf Dhahbi
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Planet Formation, Protoplanetary Disks, Planetary Habitability
Robin E. Dolezal
Assistant Program Director to the Climate Systems Engineering Initiative
Amanda Doyle
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Evolutionary Biology
Manon Duret
(Starting April 2025) Research Assistant Professor
Bowen Fan
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Planetary Climate
Michael Foote
Louis Block Distinguished Service Professor
Research Focus:
Gavin Fowler
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Jim Franke
Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Focus:
Climate Change Impacts
Hao Fu
T.C. Chamberlin Postdoctoral Fellow
Victor Gavin
Building Manager
Ava Ghezelayagh
Postdoctoral Scholar
R.J. Graham
Postdoctoral Scholar
Chris Greidanus
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Adelaide Grosse
Student Affairs Administrator
Lawrence Grossman
Professor, Emeritus
Research Focus:
Jolene Hanchar
Department Administrator
Pedram Hassanzadeh
Associate Professor
Research Focus:
extreme weather, scientific ML, climate change, fluid dynamics
Raechel Hearth
Graduate Student
Philipp Heck
Professor (Part Time)
Research Focus:
Dion L. Heinz
Associate Professor, Emeritus
Research Focus:
Mineral physics, material sciences
María Hernández Limón
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Microbial Ecology/Biogeochemistry
Allison Hogikyan
Postdoctoral Scholar
Ian Hutchison
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Experimental Isotope Geochemistry, Planetary Geology, and Petrology
Thomas Indelli
Systems Administrator
Peter Irvine
Research Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
Solar Geoengineering
David Jablonski
William R. Kenan, Jr., Distinguished Service Professor
Research Focus:
Evolution, paleontology
Malte Jansen
Associate Professor
Research Focus:
Ocean and atmospheric dynamics; climate
Xuan Ji
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Exoplanets; Planetary Climate; Orbital Dynamics
Menna Jones
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Macroevolution, Paleobiology
Basil K.T.
Graduate Student
Joonsuk Kang
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Stormtrack dynamics, Midlatitude Circulation, Extratropical Cyclones
Tyler Karp
Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
Paleoecology, Organic and Isotope Geochemistry, Fire Ecology
David Keith
Professor and Founding Faculty Director, Climate Systems Engineering Initiative
Preston Kemeny
T.C. Chamberlin Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Focus:
Isotope geochemistry, Earth History, biogeochemical cycles
Susan Kidwell
William Rainey Harper Professor
Research Focus:
Stratigraphy, taphonomy, historical ecology
Edwin Kite
Associate Professor
Research Focus:
Planetary science
Carly KleinStern
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Atmosphere, Oceans, Ice, and Climate
Michael LaBarbera
Professor, Emeritus
Research Focus:
Biomechanics, biomorphology
Celeste Labedz
Assistant Instructional Professor
Research Focus:
Environmental Seismology, Glacier Hydrology
Duzitian Li
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosol Microphysics
Siming Liu
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Atmospheric Fluid Dynamics
Douglas R. MacAyeal
Professor, Emeritus
Research Focus:
Glaciology, cryospheric science, ice and climate
Rajat Masiwal
Postdoctoral Scholar
Ruslan Mendybaev
Research Professor
Magdalen Mercado
CEB Graduate Student
Elisabeth Moyer
Associate Professor
Research Focus:
Atmosphere chemistry and transport, climate change
Debarun Mukherjee
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Isotope Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry
Chiza Mwinde
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Isotope Geochemistry
Gabriel Myers
Graduate Student
Noboru Nakamura
Research Focus:
Atmospheric and environmental fluid dynamics
Reuben Ng
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Paleontology, evolutionary developmental biology, macroevolution
Brianna Nichols
Administrative Assistant
Gerard Olack
Research Professional
Emily Padston
Associate Director of SEES
Sunyoung (Sunny) Park
Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
seismology, geodesy
Dhruvit Patel
Postdoctoral Scholar
Benjamin Peltz
Communications Specialist, Climate Systems Engineering initiative
Ellen M. Price
Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Focus:
Protoplanetary disks, astrochemistry, fluid dynamics, stochastic mechanics, extreme exoplanets
Meghana Ranganathan
Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
Glaciology, geodynamics, cryosphere/climate
Andrew Regula
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Experimental petrology, geochemistry of Earth's interior
Linta Reji
Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, and Biogeochemistry
Frank M. Richter
Sewell Avery Distinguished Service Professor, Emeritus
Research Focus:
Mark Rivers
Research Professor
Natasha Rodkin
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry, and Petrology
Katharine Rucker
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Climate Change, Machine Learning
Fahad Sajid
Executive Administrator of SEES
Giorgio Sarro
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Climate-Weather Dynamics
Huanqi (Hazel) Shan
Graduate Student
Tiffany Shaw
Research Focus:
Atmospheric dynamics; climate change
Graham Slater
Associate Professor
Research Focus:
Paleobiology; Macroevolution; Phylogenetics
Samuel Smith
Postdoctoral Scholar
Rachele Spezzano
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Microbial and zooplanktonic communities of subtropical oceans and their response to a changing climate
Ramesh Srivastava
Professor, Emeritus
Research Focus:
Cloud microphysics and dynamics, radar meteorology
Thomas Stephan
Research Professor
Research Focus:
Cosmochemistry, astrophysics
Emma Stoutenburg
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Y. Qiang Sun
Research Scientist
Research Focus:
Numerical Weather Prediction, Machine Learning Application for Earth Systems, Extreme Weather
Kly Suquino
Instructional Assistant
Research Focus:
Isotope Geochemistry, Earth History
Stephen R. Sutton
Research Professor
Research Focus:
Synchrotron radiation applications
Jiawen Tang
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Climate Dynamics, Climate Impact
Jordan Todes
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Earth History, Stratigraphy, Geochemistry, Invertebrate Paleontology
PJ Tuckman
Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Focus:
Climate Dynamics and Modeling
Maddy Turner
Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Focus:
Planetary Science
Alice Turnham
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Biogeochemisty
Maria Valdes
CASE Affiliated Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Focus:
Isotope geochemistry and cosmochemistry
Eric Van Clepper
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Planetary Science, Planet Formation, Protoplanetary Disks
Jacob Waldbauer
Neubauer Family Associate Professor
Research Focus:
Biogeochemistry, microbiology
Mingyi Wang
Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosol Microphysics, and Climate Change
Mark Webster
Research Focus:
Evolution, paleontology
Alexander Wikner
Schmidt AI Fellow
Research Focus:
Scientific ML, Extreme Weather, Climate Change, Data Assimilation
Melissa Wood
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Vertebrate paleontology
Alexandra Worden
Professor Part-Time
Research Focus:
Ocean EcoSystems Biology
Lichuan Xu
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Climate Change, Scientific Machine Learning
Xin Yang
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Isotope geochemistry and cosmochemistry
Huanzhou (Jeffrey) Yang
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Clouds, Climate, Exoplanets
Da Yang
Assistant Professor
Research Focus:
Convection, clouds, atmospheric dynamics, and climate change
Lin Yao
Graduate Student
Jiacheng Ye
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Atmospheric dynamics; Subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction and predictability
Yaoxuan Zeng
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Planetary Science, Physical Oceanography
Lichun Zhang
Research Specialist
Zhe Zhang
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Stable Isotope Geochemistry
Chao Zhang
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Aidi Zhang
Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Focus:
Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics
Yuke Zheng
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Isotope Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry
Daniel Zhou
Graduate Student
Nuanliang Zhu
Graduate Student
Research Focus:
Theories of AGC/Atmospheric Dynamics/GFD