
David ArcherProfessor

Research Focus:
Global carbon cycle, climate change, aqueous chemistry
(773) 702-0823
HGS 449

Biography have been a professor in the Department of The Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago since 1993. I have worked on a wide range of topics pertaining to the global carbon cycle and its relation to global climate, with special focus on ocean sedimentary processes such as CaCO3 dissolution and methane hydrate formation, and their impact on the evolution of atmospheric CO2. I teach classes on global warming, environmental chemistry, and global geochemical cycles.

Selected Publications

  • Archer, D., Kite, E., & Lusk, G. (2020). The ultimate cost of carbon. Climatic Change, 1-18. link
  • Archer, D., and Blum, J. A model of mercury cycling and isotopic fractionation in the ocean. Biogeosciences, 15, 6297-6313, 2018,
  • Archer, D.  "Near miss: The importance of the natural atmospheric CO2 concentration to human historical evolution".  Climatic Change 138 (1-2), 1-11 (2016).  link
  • Archer, D. "A model of the methane cycle, permafrost, and hydrology of the Siberian continental margin." Biogeosciences 12.10 (2015): 2953-2974 (2015) link


Free Open-access Online Classes (MOOCS)

Online Interactive Models


  • Near Miss: The importance of the natural atmospheric CO2 concentration to human historical evolution.  2016 - 7th annual UW-AOS Robock Lecture, Madison, WI, 2016.  
  • "The Long Thaw", April 9, 2013, Notre Dame University
  • Class lectures from PHSC 13400, Global Warming for non-science majors, Fall, 2009, as well as the videos from the Coursera class

Other Stuff