Doug MacAyeal




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Journal Articles

(Refereed Journal Publications)

E. Rignot, D.G. Vaughan, M. Schmeltz, T.K. Dupont and D.R. MacAyeal. 2001. Acceleration of glaciers in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, (Ann. Glaciol, 33, in press).

M. Schmeltz, E. Rignot and D.R. MacAyeal. 2001. Tidal flexure along ice-sheets margins: Comparison of InSAR with an elastic plate model, (Ann. Glaciol, 34, in press).

Cutler, P. M., D. M. Mickelson, P. M. Colgan, D. R. MacAyeal and B. Parizek, 2001. Influence of the Great Lakes on the Dynamics of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: Numerical Experiments. (Geology, 29, 1039-1042).

Schmeltz, M., E. Rignot, and D. R. MacAyeal, 2001. Ephemeral grounding as a signal of ice-shelf change. (Journal of Glaciology, 47(156), 71-77).

Joughin, I., M. Fahnestock, D. R. MacAyeal, J. L. Bamber, and P. Gogineni, 2001. Observation And Analysis Of Ice Flow In The Largest Greenland Ice Stream. (Journal of Geophysical Research, in press).

Lazzara M.A., K.C. Jezek, T.A. Scambos, D.R. MacAyeal, and C.J. van der Veen, 1999. On the Calving of Icebergs from the Ross Ice Shelf. (Polar Geography, 23(3), 201-212).

Rignot, E., L. Padman, D. R. MacAyeal and M. Schmeltz, in press. Observation of ocean tides below the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica,
using SAR interferometry: Comparison with tide model predictions. (Journal of Geophysical Research, in press).

Hulbe, C. L. and D. R. MacAyeal, in press. A new numerical model of coupled inland ice sheet, ice stream and ice shelf flow and its application to the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. (Journal of Geophysical Research, 104 (B11),

Cutler, P. M., D. R. MacAyeal, D. M. Mickelson, B. R. Parizek and P. M. Colgan, 2000. A numerical investigation of ice lobe/permafrost interaction around the southern Laurentide Ice Sheet. (J. Glaciol., 46 (153), 3111-325).

MacAyeal, D. R. , E. Rignot and C. L. Hulbe. 1998. Ice-shelf dynamics near the front of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, revealed by SAR interferometry: model/interferogram comparison. (J. Glaciol, 44, 419-428.)

Rignot, E. and D. R. MacAyeal, 1998. Ice-shelf dynamics near the front of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, revealed by SAR interferometry. (J. Glaciol., 44, 405-418.)

Hulbe, C. L., E. Rignot and D. R. MacAyeal, 1998. Comparison of ice-shelf creep flow simulations with ice-front motion of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, detected by SAR interferometry. (Annals of Glaciology, 27, 182-186).

Licciardi, J. M., P. U. Clark, J. W. Jenson and D. R. MacAyeal, 1997. Deglaciation of a soft-bedded Laurentide Ice Sheet. (Quaternary Science Reviews)

Rommelaere, V. and D. R. MacAyeal, 1997. Large-scale rheology of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, computed by a control method. (Annals of Glaciology, 24, - ).

MacAyeal, D. R., V. Rommelaere, P. Huybrechts, C. L. Hulbe, J. Determann, and C. Ritz, 1996. An Ice-Shelf Model Test Based on the Ross Ice Shelf. (Annals of Glaciology, bf 23, 46-51).

Clark, P. U., J. M. Licciardi, D. R. MacAyeal, and J. W. Jenson, 1996. Numerical reconstruction of a soft-bedded Laurentide Ice Sheet during the last glacial maximum. (Geology, 23, 679-682).

Jenson, J. W., D. R. MacAyeal, P. U. Clark, C. Ho and J. C. Vela, 1996. Numerical modeling of subglacial sediment deformation: Implications for the behavior of the Lake Michigan Lobe, Laurentide Ice Sheet. (Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 8717-8728).

Huybrechts, P., T. Payne, and 14 others, 1996. The EISMINT benchmarks for testing ice-sheet models. (Annals of Glaciology, 23, 1-12.)

Greve, R. and D. R. MacAyeal, 1996. Dynamic/thermodynamic simulations of Laurentide ice-sheet instability. (Annals of Glaciology, 23, 328-335).

Jenson, J. W., P. U. Clark, D. R. MacAyeal, C. L. Ho and J. C. Vela, 1995. Numerical modelling of advective transport of saturated deforming sediment beneath the Lake Michigan Lobe, Laurentide Ice Sheet. (Geomorphology, 14, 157-166.)

MacAyeal, D. R., R. A. Bindschadler and T. A. Scambos, 1995. Basal friction of ice stream E, West Antarctica. (Journal of Glaciology, 41(138),

Alley, R. B., and D. R. MacAyeal, 1994. Ice-rafted debris associated with binge/purge oscillations of the Laurentide ice sheet. (Paleoceanography,
9, 503-511).

MacAyeal, D. R., 1993. A low-order model of the Heinrich Event cycle. (Paleoceanography, 8, 767-774).

MacAyeal, D. R., 1993. Binge/Purge oscillations of the Laurentide Ice Sheet as a cause of the North Atlantic's Heinrich Eents. (Paleoceanography, 8, 775-784. )

MacAyeal, D. R., J. Firestone, E. Waddington, 1993. Paleothermometry Redux. (Journal of Glaciology, 39, 423-431).

MacAyeal, D. R., 1993. A tutorial on the use of control methods in ice sheet modelling. (Journal of Glaciology, 39, 91-98).

Barcilon, V. and MacAyeal, D. R., 1993. Steady flow of a viscous ice stream across a no-slip/free-slip transition at the bed. (Journal of Glaciology,
39, 167-185.)

MacAyeal, D. R., 1992. Irregular oscillations of the West Antarctic ice sheet. (Nature, 359, 29-32.)

MacAyeal, D. R., 1992. The basal stress distribution of ice stream E, Antarctica, inferred by control methods. (Journal of Geophysical Research), 97(B1), 595-603).

MacAyeal, D. R., J. Firestone and E. Waddington, 1991. Paleothermometry by Control Methods. Journal of Glaciology, 37(127), 326-338).

MacAyeal, D. R. and D. R. Lindstrom, 1990. Effects of glaciation on Methane hydrate stability. (Annals of Glaciology, 14, 183-185).

Bindschadler, R. A., E. P. Roberts and D. R. MacAyeal, 1989. Distribution of net mass balance in vicinity of Crary Ice Rise, Antarctica. (Journal of
Glaciology, 35(121), 370-377.)

MacAyeal, D. R., 1989. Ice-shelf response to ice-stream discharge fluctuations: III. the Ross Ice Shelf. Journal of Glaciology, 35(119), 38-42.)

Lindstrom, D. R. and D. R. MacAyeal, 1989. Scandinavian, Siberian and Arctic Ocean glaciation: effect of Holocene atmospheric CO$_2$ variations. (Science, 245, 628-631).

MacAyeal, D. R., 1989. Large-scale ice flow over a viscous basal sediment: theory and application to ice stream B, Antarctica. (Journal of Geophysical Research, 94(B4), 4071-4088).

Lange, M. A. and D. R. MacAyeal, 1989. Numerical models of ice-shelf
flow: ideal/real. (Annals of Glaciology, 12, 97-103).

Lange, M. A. and D. R. MacAyeal, 1988. Numerical models of idealized ice shelf flow. In (Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, G. Swoboda, ed., A. A. Balkema Press, Rotterdam, 713-717.)

Lange, M. A. and D. R. MacAyeal, 1988. Numerical models of steady-state
thickness and basal ice configurations of the central Ronne Ice Shelf. (Annals of Glaciology, 11, 64-70).

MacAyeal, D. R., R. A. Bindschadler, K. C. Jezek and S. Shabtaie, 1988. Can relict crevasse plumes on Antarctic ice shelves reveal a history of ice-stream fluctuation? (Annals of Glaciology, 11, 77-82.)

Bindschadler, R. A., P. L. Vornberger, S. N. Stephenson, E. P. Roberts, S. Shabtaie and D. R. MacAyeal, 1988. Ice shelf flow at the boundary of Crary Ice Rise. (Annals of Glaciology, 11, 8-13).

Shabtaie, S., C. R. Bentley, R. A. Bindschadler and D. R. MacAyeal, 1988. Mass balance studies of ice streams A, B andC, and possible surging behavior of ice stream B. (Annals of Glaciology, 11, 137-149).

MacAyeal, D. R. and V. Barcilon, 1988. Ice-shelf response to ice-stream discharge fluctuation: I. Unconfined ice tongues. (Journal of Glaciology, 34(116), 121-127.)

MacAyeal, D. R. and M. A. Lange, 1988. Ice-shelf response to
ice-stream discharge fluctuation: II. Ideal rectangular ice shelf. (Journal of Glaciology, 34(116), 128-35.)

Lindstrom, D. R. and D. R. MacAyeal, 1987. Environmental Constraints on West Antarctic Ice Sheet Formation. (Journal of Glaciology, 33(115), 1 - 11.)

MacAyeal, D. R., R. A. Bindschadler, S. Shabtaie, S.Stephenson, and C. R. Bentley, 1987. Force, Mass and Energy Budgets of the Crary Ice Rise Complex, Antarctica. (Journal of Glaciology, 33(114), 218 - 230.)

Bindschadler, R. A., S. N. Stephenson, D. R. MacAyeal and S.Shabtaie, 1987. Ice dynamics at the mouth of Ice Stream B, Antarctica.
(Journal of Geophysical Research, 92(B9), 8885 - 8894.)

MacAyeal, D. R., 1987. Ice-Shelf back pressure: form drag vs. dynamic drag. (Dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, C. J. van der Veen and J. Oerlemans, eds., D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 141-160.)

Bindschadler, R. A., MacAyeal, D. R., and Stephenson, S. N.,1987. Ice stream-Ice shelf interaction in West Antarctica. (Dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, C. J. van der Veen and J. Oerlemans, eds., D.
Reidel, Dordrecht, 161-180.)

Jacobs, S. S., D. R. MacAyeal and J. L. Ardai, Jr., 1986. On the recent advance of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. (Journal of Glaciology, 32(112), 464-474).

MacAyeal, D. R. and Holdsworth, G., 1986. An investigation of low-stress ice rheology on the Ward-Hunt Ice Shelf. (Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(B6), 6347-6358.)

MacAyeal, D. R., Shabtaie, S., Bentley, C. R., and King, S., 1986. Formulation of Ice Shelf dynamic boundary conditions in terms of a Coulomb Rheology, (Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(B8), 8177-8191.)

Lange, M. A. and MacAyeal, D. R., 1986. Numerical models of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf: An assessment of re-interpreted ice thickness distributions, Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(B10), 10457-10462.)

Lindstrom, D. R. and MacAyeal, D. R., 1986. Paleoclimatic constraints on the maintenance of possible ice-shelf cover in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas, (Paleooceanography, 1(3), 313-337.)

MacAyeal, D. R., 1985. Evolution of tidally triggered meltwater plumes below ice shelves. (Oceanology of the Antarctic Continental Shelves, edited by S. Jacobs, Antarctic Research Series, 43, 109-132). (AGU, Washington, DC).

MacAyeal, D. R., 1985. Tidal rectification below the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. (Oceanology of the Antarctic Continental Shelves, edited by S. Jacobs, Antarctic Research Series, 43, 133-144). (AGU, Washington, DC).

MacAyeal, D. R., 1985. Optimal measurement of ice-sheet deformation from surface-marker arrays. (Journal of Glaciology, 31(107), 54-59).

MacAyeal, D. R. and Thomas, R. H., 1985. The effects of basal melting on the present flow of the Ross Ice Shelf, (Journal of Glaciology, 32(110), 72-86.)

Thomas, R. H., MacAyeal, D. R., Eilers, D. H. and Gaylord, D. R., 1984. Glaciological studies on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, 1973-1978. (The Ross Ice Shelf: Glaciology and Geophysics, edited by C. R. Bentley and D. E. Hayes, Antarctic Research Series, 42, 21-53). (AGU, Washington DC).

MacAyeal, D. R., 1983. Numerical simulations of the Ross Sea Tides. (Journal of Geophysical Research, 89(C1), 607-615).

MacAyeal, D. R., 1983. Thermohaline circulation below the Ross Ice Shelf: a consequence of tidally induced vertical mixing and basal melting.
(Journal of Geophysical Research, 89(C1), 597-606).

MacAyeal, D. R. and Thomas, R. H., 1982. Numerical modeling of ice shelf motion. (Annals of Glaciology, 3, 189-193).

Thomas, R. H. and MacAyeal, D. R., 1982. Derived characteristics of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. (Journal of Glaciology, 28(100), 397-412).

MacAyeal, D. R. and Thomas, R. H., 1980. Ice-shelf grounding: Ice and bedrock temperature changes. (Journal of Glaciology, 25(93), 397-400).

Thomas, R. H., MacAyeal, D. R., Bentley, C. R. and Clapp, J. L., 1980. The creep of ice, geothermal heat flow, and Roosevelt Island. (Journal of Glaciology, 25(91), 47-60.)

MacAyeal, D. R., 1979. A catastrophe model of the paleoclimate. (Journal of Glaciology, 24(90), 245-257.)

MacAyeal, D. R. and Thomas, R. H., 1979. Ross Ice Shelf temperatures support a history of ice-shelf thickening. (Nature, 282(5740), 703-705.)

Williams, A. and MacAyeal, D. R., 1979. Acoustic reflection from a sea bottom with linearly increasing sound speed. (Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 66(6), 1836-1841.)