biggest boat, "Polynya" , is a Cal 2-25 that I day sail on
Lake Michigan. Occasionally, I'll sail the boat to Michigan City
or St. Joe for a weekend. On very rare occasions, I'll race in
the Burnham Park Yacht Club beer can regatta (I am a member of both BPYC
and JPYC) on Wednesday nights. The boat's most interesting feature
is its paint job, which I provide an example of in the photo below
(taken while the boat was in storage at Crowley's Yacht Yard on the

Megabyte is my fastest, most exciting sailboat. It's like a big laser
with 25% more sail area on a carbon fiber spar and with a neat traveller
and modern sail shape controls. I love sailing this boat, but
typically do quite a bit of capsizing when the wind is over 20 knots... Visit
the Megabyte
website. Here's
a picture of my Megabyte:

third boat, "Draco", is actually my son's, Evan's. It
is a Barnett 1400 and is a excellent boat for beginners as well as
advanced sailors. Check out the Barnett
1400 website!
Here's Evan with Draco at Lake Charlevoix: