Elisabeth Moyer

Associate Professor, Atmospheric Science

The University of Chicago
Department of Geophysical Sciences


Elisabeth Moyer

University of Chicago
Department of the Geophysical Sciences

t:+1.773.834.2992                                     5734 S. Ellis Ave.                    moyer (at) uchicago (dot) edu
 f:+1.773.702.9505                                    Chicago, IL 60637                       geosci.uchicago.edu/~moyer


Ph.D., Planetary Science, California Insitute of Technology, 2001
B.S., Physics, with honors , Stanford University, 1990
A.B., Anthropology (Archaeology), with honors , Stanford University, 1990

    Positions Held

Assistant Professor, University of Chicago, 2007-present
Research associate, Harvard University, 2003-2007
       (lead scientist, Harvard ICOS Isotope Instrument)
Postdoctoral scholar, Harvard University, 2001-2003

    Select Invited Presentations

Gordon Conference on Radiation and Climate, July 2013
       “The isotopic composition of water vapor and relevance to cloud processes”
IIES (Institute for International Economic Studies) Nobel Symposium public panel, Sept. 2012
       “How Can We Solve the Problem of Global Warming?" (video)
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 2010
       “Seasonal and regional variation in UTLS convective water transport from ACE isotopic measurements”
FLAIR (Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research) International Confence, Sept. 2007
       "The Harvard ICOS Isotope Instrument"
SPARC-GEWEX/GCSS-IGAC Invitational Workshop on Deep Convection and the TTL, June 2006
       "First in-situ measurements of water vapor isotopic composition across the tropical tropopause"
UCAR 100th Postdoc Celebration, Apr. 2005
       "Tracking the sources of stratospheric water: new measurements of isotopic markers
       of deep convection"

Gordon Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, Jun. 2001
       Discussion leader: "Stratospheric chemistry and dynamics: water vapor transport"

    Aircraft and Balloon Campaigns

AquaVIT (Water Vapor Validation and Instrument Tests)
       Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2013
ISOCLOUD (ISOtopic CLOUD experiments)
       Karlsruhe, Germany, 2012-2013
CR-AVE (Costa Rica Aura Validation Experiment)
       San Jose, Costa Rica, Jan.-Feb. 2006
AVE-WIIF (Aura Validation Experiment / Water Isotope Intercomparison Flights)
       Houston, TX, Jun.-Jul. 2005
Harvard Isotope Instrument test flights
       Houston, TX, Nov. 2004-Jan. 2005
CWVCS (Clouds and Water Vapor in the Climate System)
       San Jose, Costa Rica, Jul.-Aug. 2001
ACCENT (Atmospheric Chemistry of Combustion Emissions Near the Tropopause)
       WISP test flights, Houston, TX, Aug.-Sep. 1999
OMS (Observations of the Middle Stratosphere)
       Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil, Nov. 1997
OMS (Observations of the Middle Stratosphere)
       Ft. Sumner, NM, Oct. 1997
POLARIS (Photochemistry of Ozone Loss in the Arctic Region In Summer)
       Fairbanks, AK, Mar.-Sep. 1997