"It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry."-- Albert Einstein
GEOS 24705 | Energy: Science, Technology, and Human Usage
This course covers the technologies by which humans appropriate energy for industrial and societal use, from steam turbines to internal combustion engines to photovoltaics. We also discuss the physics and economics of the resulting human energy system; fuel sources and relationship to energy flows in the Earth system; and modeling and simulation of energy production and use. Our goal is to provide a technical foundation for students interested in careers in the energy industry or in energy policy. Field trips are a required part of class and will include visits to an oil refinery and to coal, cogeneration, wind, and nuclear facilities. (Photos from 2010 and 2011).
Additional Teaching Activities
Online tools
Statistical emulation of climate models
Generate emulations of the output of full general circulation models (GCMs) for arbitrary CO2 scenarios.
Explore a simple integrated assessment model that balances costs of climate change and climate change mitigation. Choose your climate and economic assumptions.
RPS calculator
Design or evaluate a state renewable portfolio standard (requirement for electricity generation from renewables). Note: website is in beta only.
K-12 Education
I lead the education program for the University of Chicago's Center for Robust Decision-making on Climate and Energy Policy. We bring hands-on science to partner high schools and provide research internships for Chicago-area high school students, with a focus on urban research and energy studies. The program is directed by Dr. Meghan Vincent.
Graduate Training
Lecturer, organizing committee: international summer school on Water Vapor in the Climate System (WAVACS), Cargese, Corsica (Sept. 2009)
Lecturer, organizing committee: international summer school on the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS), Cargese, Corsica (Oct. 2005)
Lecturer, environmental modeling and climate modeling: African Institute for Mathemamatical Sciences (AIMS), Muizenberg, Rep. of South Africa (2006).
AIMS is a one-year program for graduates in math and science from African universities, with the goal of preparing students for graduate school and for careers in academia, business, or government. Many AIMS alumni are now in graduate programs in the U.S., U.K., and Europe.