September 08, 2017
Professor Doug MacAyeal was covered in the summer edition of the UChicago Alumni magazine for his work on glaciers in Antarctica. He places seismometers on ice shelves and moniters the signal as large icebergs break off.
July 20, 2017
Associate Professor Tiffany Shaw has been awarded AGU's Macelwane medal. The Macelwane Medal is given annually to three or up to five honorees in recognition for “significant contributions to the geophysical sciences by an outstanding early career scientist.” Congratulations Tiffany! Professor Robert Kopp of Rutgers, a DoGS undergraduate alumnus, will also receive the Macelwane medal this year.
July 12, 2017
Graduate student Lily Thompson was awarded a William Rainey Harper Dissertation Fellowship, one of the highest honors that the University of Chicago grants doctoral candidates. Each Harper Fellowship includes a $4,000 stipend. Lily is studying the material properties of hydrous phases under extreme high-pressure and high-temperature conditions utilizing a combination of theoretical calculations and synchrotron-based diamond anvil cell experiments. She is advised by Associate Professor Andy Campbell.