November 23, 2016
Christina Hulbe, who received her PhD in our department in 1998 under Doug MacAyeal's supervision, will give the Nye lecture on glaciology at the meeting of the American Geophysical Union this year. Christina is now a professor and the dean of the school of surveying at the University of Otago in New Zealand.
October 04, 2016
William Rainey Harper Professor Susan Kidwell has won the Raymond C. Moore Medal for Paleontology from the Society for Sedimentary Geology. The award is given for outstanding contributions in paleontology, especially those that "promote the science of stratigraphy through research in paleontology and evolution, and the use of fossils for interpretations of paleoecology." Congratulations Sue!
September 19, 2016
Graduate student Miquela Ingalls, Assistant Professor Albert Colman, and Professor David Rowley have published a paper in Nature Geoscience titled, "Large-scale subduction of continental crust implied by India-Asia mass-balance calculation." Based on consideration of the mass balance of the subduction of the India-Tibet system, they were able to infer that lower crustal eclogite has been subducted into the mantle, affecting the evolution of mantle geochemistry. Congratulations guys!