The University of Chicago
The University of Chicago
The Department of The Geophysical Sciences

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The University of Chicago Stable Isotope Ratio facility

*** no longer taking in outside samples ***

Chicago Stable Isotope Ratio
The U. of Chicago links for center users

**** Isotopologue scripts  ****

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DeltaV stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer
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Seminars and Discussions:
Noon Balloon, Fridays, 12:30ish, HGS 176
Departmental Colloquium, Fridays, 2-3pm, HGS101
DoGs Lunch, Wed., 12:30, HGS 228*
C3, Thurs., 3:30, HGS, 3rd floor--vary by quarter
Climate, Mon, 12:30, HGS 176*--vary by quarter
Paleo, Thurs., 12:00, HGS 228--vary by quarter
Evolution, Thurs, 7:30pm, HGS 176
GeoUnion 5:30 pm, HGS176 bi-monthly, join mailing list
  *locations wander

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TCEA used for running 18O on phosphates
TCEA-for running 18O on phosphates
ChiSIR (light stable isotopes) Albert Colman's stable isotope ratio mass spectrometers were setup in 2010 (thanks Burt and Ian from Thermo, Brian and the rest of the U of C gang for getting the renovations done, and U of C and the NSF forfunding), and real samples were being run in early 2011.  Albert Colman is now at Rice, but the instruments are still here.
This is mainly set up to be a facility for use by the University of Chicago community, but is available for other users and limited service runs.

Acknowledgements:  The purchases of the major pieces of equipment, mass spectrometers and peripherals, were supported by NSF award #0923831.  "This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5)."  And many thanks to the U of C for the needed renovations and added support for the laboratory.

Does anybody really know what time it is...