November 28, 2016
Louis Block Professor Nicolas Dauphas and graduate student Miquela Ingalls were winners at the Grant Park Turkey Trot. Nicolas was 2nd in his age group and 25th overall, while Miquela came in 1st overall for women. Way to go guys!
November 27, 2016
New graduate student Justin Podowski has won an Illinois Space Grant Consortium (ISGC) graduate fellowship. He will be studying the effects of invasive Dreissena mussel pseudofeces output on water chemistry and microbial communities in the Great Lakes. Way to go Justin!
November 23, 2016
Christina Hulbe, who received her PhD in our department in 1998 under Doug MacAyeal's supervision, will give the Nye lecture on glaciology at the meeting of the American Geophysical Union this year. Christina is now a professor and the dean of the school of surveying at the University of Otago in New Zealand.