October 24, 2023
"These crystals are the oldest known solids that formed after the giant impact. And because we know how old these crystals are, they serve as an anchor for the lunar chronology," says Philipp Heck, the Field Museum's Robert A. Pritzker Curator for Meteoritics and Polar Studies and the Senior Director of the Negaunee Interactive Research Center, a professor at the University of Chicago, and the study's senior author.
October 20, 2023
"New Scientist" highlighted the work of former Dept. of the Geophysical Sciences PhD student and postdoc James Franke on shifting agricultural regions under climate change (with prof. Liz Moyer), and Moyer was quoted.
October 13, 2023
As climate change continues to be an ongoing issue, the question of how we can try to stop it grows larger. In an interview with Brian Beutler on Positively Dreadful, Prof. David Keith speaks about developing a better understanding of geoengineering research as part of a possible solution.