BA in Earth and Planetary Sciences and Integrated Science, Northwestern University, 2018.
Fulbright Scholar, University of Warsaw, 2018-2019.
Research Interests
My interests are broadly centered about the dynamic impact of evolutionary, environmental, and tectonic drivers on the stratigraphic record – in particular (although not exclusively) during the middle Paleozoic and Mesozoic, crucial intervals characterized by rapid biologic evolution, volatile carbon cycle dynamics, and the emergence of significant paleo-ecological features that form the scaffold of our modern world. To this end, I study the geologic record using an integrated combination of regional stratigraphy, detailed microfacies petrography, sedimentary geochemistry, paleobiology, and earth-systems modeling, within the framework of both field and lab/archival settings.
Recent projects I have been involved in include (i) a concerted international effort to formally define the Turonian-Coniacian boundary (GSSP) in Salzgitter-Salder, Germany, (ii) general work on upper Cretaceous inoceramid biostratigraphy, paleobiology, and paleobiogeography, and (iii) revising the Turonian-Coniacian stratigraphy of Opole, Poland. My undergraduate thesis focused on high-resolution organic geochemistry and sulfur cycling across the OAE2 interval in the US Western Interior, and intermediate and transition-zone seismicity in subduction zones. In addition, I have participated in a number of field campaigns ranging geographically from Australia to Europe, which have focused on a variety of geologic themes from the Archaean to the modern.
Selected Publications
Walaszczyk, I., Čech, S., Crampton, J. S., Dubicka, Z., Ifrim, C., Jarvis, I., Kennedy, W. J., Lees, J. A., Lodowski, D., Pearce, M., Peryt, D., Sageman, B. B., Schiøler, P., Todes, J., Uličný, D., Voigt, S., and F. Wiese, with contributions by Linnert, C., Püttmann, T., and S. Toshimitsu. In Press. The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Coniacian Stage (Salzgitter-Salder, Germany) and its auxiliary sections (Słupia Nadbrzeżna, central Poland; Střeleč, Czech Republic; and El Rosario, NE Mexico). Episodes. Link: [open access]
J. P. Todes, Okal, E. A., and S. H. Kirby. 2021. Frequency-size distributions of Wadati-Benioff zone and near-boundary intraplate seismicity: Implications for intermediate and deep seismicity. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 321, 106707. doi:
Walaszczyk, I. and J. P. Todes. 2020. Inoceramus proximus and other inoceramid species of Michael Tuomey from the Cretaceous of Alabama and Mississippi. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 71 (2), 227-236. doi: 10.1127/zdgg/2020/0227